项目作者: didi0613

项目描述 :
A electrode component demo for developing & demoing electrode components
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/didi0613/discovery-component.git
创建时间: 2017-04-10T17:29:28Z



Discovery Component

A components playground for developing and demoing electrode archetype components.


This repo use Lerna to manage multiple related electrode archetype components.

Spinner Component

@walmart/wmreact-spinner is a component for loading spinner react component for OneWalmart grocery. It is a general-use loading spinner that uses svg paths.

Demo Applications

Demo applications can be found under demo-app directory, which are used for demoing and developing packages/components. They were created with the Electrode generator and consume the Electrode App archetype modules, which has standardize on common development behavior and patterns.

Spinner Component Demo

demo-app/grocery-spinner-demo is used for demoing and developing packages/spinner component.



Make sure you have installed NodeJS >= 4.x and npm >= 3.x.

  1. $ node -v
  2. v6.9.4
  3. $ npm -v
  4. 3.10.10

Check it out

To try out this ready made demo app, please clone this app:

  1. $ git clone https://github.com/didi0613/discovery-component.git
  2. $ cd discovery-component
  3. $ npm install
  4. $ lerna bootstrap
  5. $ cd demo-app/grocery-spinner-demo
  6. $ npm install
  7. $ gulp dev

Now navigate your browser to http://localhost:3000 to see the demo app with @walmart/wmreact-spinner components.

alt tag


Apache-2.0 © sheng di

Built with :heart: by Team Electrode @WalmartLabs.