Real time weather app
Dave Bitter
V 0.1.0
This repository holds the code for a quick little weather streaming app experiment build with and the OpenWeatherMap API. The app provides real-time weather info about a queried city.
I highly encourage adding issues to this repo in the case of finding one. I’m always up for improving my code.
git clone
cd weather_stream
npm install
In order to make use of the API you will need to get a API-ket from the OpenWeatherMap API page. After you obtained the key, copy the contents of example.env
to a new file called .env
and paste your key.
When you run this command, changes in serverside JS files will be watched and the server will restart automatically, changes in clientside JS files will be watched and browserified and the server will be restarted.
npm start
Browserify clientside JS
npm run build
Watchify clientside JS
npm run watch
Clean clientside build.js file
npm run clean
You can view the live demo here