项目作者: cyberrumor

项目描述 :
Keygen composes original music in the form of midi files.
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/cyberrumor/keygen.git
创建时间: 2021-03-09T21:15:14Z

开源协议:BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License



Keygen composes original music in the form of midi files.


  1. usage: keygen [-h] --tonic {c,cs,db,d,ds,eb,e,f,fs,gb,g,gs,ab,a,as,bb,b} --mode
  2. {ionian,dorian,phrygian,lydian,mixolydian,aeolian,locrian,major,minor}
  3. DEST
  4. Generate midi
  5. positional arguments:
  6. DEST the name of the output file
  7. options:
  8. -h, --help show this help message and exit
  9. --tonic {c,cs,db,d,ds,eb,e,f,fs,gb,g,gs,ab,a,as,bb,b}
  10. the root note of the scale.
  11. --mode {ionian,dorian,phrygian,lydian,mixolydian,aeolian,locrian,major,minor}
  12. the mode of the scale.


  1. # Use git to clone this repo then cd into the clone dir.
  2. git clone https://github.com/cyberrumor/keygen
  3. cd keygen
  4. # Install pip if you don't already have it. This is python's package manager.
  5. python -m ensurepip --user --break-system-packages --upgrade
  6. python -m pip install --user --break-system-packages --upgrade pip
  7. # Install build and run requirements.
  8. pip3 install --user -r --break-system-packages requirements.txt
  9. # Install keygen
  10. pip3 install --user --break-system-packages .
  11. # Add your python's user-local bin directory to your PATH, then restart your terminal.
  12. # The method by which you achieve this depends on your operating system.

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