Remark plugin to add support for custom attributes
This plugin adds support for custom attributes to Markdown syntax.
For security reasons, this plugin uses html-element-attributes.
The use of JavaScript attributes (onload
for example) is not allowed by default.
Images :
{attrs} / { height=50 }
Links :
[rms with a computer]({rel="external"}
Autolink :
Email me at : <>
Header (Atx) :
### This is a title
### This is a title {style="color:yellow;"}
If option enableAtxHeaderInline is set to `true` (default value).
Header :
This is a title
{style="color: pink;"}
Emphasis :
Npm stand for *node*{style="color:red"} packet manager.
Strong :
This is a **Unicorn**{awesome} !
Delete :
Your problem is ~~at line 18~~{style="color: grey"}. My mistake, it's at line 14.
Code :
You can use the `fprintf`{language=c} function to format the output to a file.
Footnote (using remark-footnotes) :
This is a footnote[^ref]{style="opacity: 0.8;"}
[^ref]: And the reference.
At the moment it aims is to be used with rehype only, using remark-rehype.
[rms with a computer]({rel=external}
<a href="" rel="external">rms with a computer</a>
npm install remark-attr
const unified = require('unified')
const remarkParse = require('remark-parse')
const stringify = require('rehype-stringify')
const remark2rehype = require('remark-rehype')
const remarkAttr = require('remark-attr')
const testFile = `
Here a test :
{ height=100 }
.process( testFile, (err, file) => {
} )
Output :
$ node index.js
<p>Here a test :</p>
<p><img src="" alt="ache avatar" height="100"></p>
Parse attributes of markdown elements.
The list of currently supported elements.
['link', 'atxHeading', 'strong', 'emphasis', 'deletion', 'code', 'setextHeading']
['link', 'atxHeading', 'strong', 'emphasis', 'deletion', 'code', 'setextHeading', 'fencedCode', 'reference', 'footnoteCall', 'autoLink']
Whether to allow the use of on-*
attributes. They are depreciated and disabled by default for security reasons. Its a boolean (default: false
If allowed, DOM event handlers will be added to the global scope.
The list of elements which the attributes should be parsed.
It’s a list of string, a sub-list of SUPPORTED_ELEMENTS
If you are confident enough you can add the name of a tokenizer that isn’t officialy supported but remember that it will not have been tested.
An object that extends the list of attributes supported for some elements.
Example : extend: {heading: ['original', 'quality', 'format', 'toc']}
With this configuration, if the scope permits it, 4 mores attributes will be supported for atxHeading elements.
A string with the value global
or specific
or extented
or none
or every
will disable the
will activate only the global attributes.specific
will activate global and specific attributes.extended
will add personalized tags for some elements.permissive
or every
will allow every attributes (except dangerous one) on every elements supported.options.enableAtxHeaderInline
Whether to allow atx headers with attributes on the same line.
### This is a title {style="color:yellow;"}
This plugin extend the syntax of [remark-parse][remark-parse] by replacing old tokenizers by new one.
The new tokenizers functions re-use the old tokenizers and md-attr-parser to parse the extended syntax.
are the names of the tokenizers and neither arbitrary names nor HTML tag names.
Here is the related documentation.
Distributed under a MIT license.