项目作者: TYPO3-cookbooks

项目描述 :
Chef cookbook for Gerrit at review.typo3.org
高级语言: CSS
项目地址: git://github.com/TYPO3-cookbooks/site-reviewtypo3org.git
创建时间: 2014-01-14T19:11:12Z

开源协议:Apache License 2.0



This cookbook deploys Gerrit for review.typo3.org.

Apache HTTPD as well as MySQL are automatically installed an configured.

Further, automatic updates (by gerrit init) are supported.



No platforms defined


  • t3-base (~> 0.2.51)
  • site-gittypo3org (~> 1.0.0)
  • gerrit (~> 1.0.0)
  • t3-gerrit (~> 1.0.0)
  • t3-chef-vault (~> 1.0.0)
  • t3-mysql (~> 0.1.3)
  • php (= 1.5.0)
  • ssh (= 0.6.6)
  • build-essential (= 6.0.4)


  • node['gerrit']['version'] - Gerrit version. Defaults to 2.12.7.
  • node['gerrit']['hostname'] - Gerrit host name. Defaults to review.typo3.org.
  • node['gerrit']['config']['gerrit']['canonicalWebUrl'] - Gerrit’s URL (used in emails etc). Defaults to https://#{node['gerrit']['hostname']}/.
  • node['gerrit']['config']['gerrit']['canonicalGitUrl'] - Gerrit’s Git URL (used in emails etc). Defaults to git://#{node['gerrit']['hostname']}.
  • node['gerrit']['config']['httpd']['listenUrl'] - Signal to Gerrit that our proxy speaks HTTPS. As gerrit::proxy sets this with ‘normal’ precedence, we have to ‘override’ here. Using ::1 instead of prevents confusing inspec. Defaults to proxy-https://[::1]:8080.
  • node['gerrit']['config']['database']['type'] - Database type. Defaults to MYSQL.
  • node['gerrit']['config']['database']['database'] - Database name. Defaults to gerrit.
  • node['gerrit']['config']['auth']['type'] - Use HTTP for authentication. Defaults to HTTP.
  • node['gerrit']['config']['auth']['cookieSecure'] - Set cookieSecure attribute. Defaults to true.
  • node['gerrit']['config']['auth']['gitBasicAuth'] - Use HTTP basic auth for Git via HTTP (instead of additional HTTP passwords). Defaults to true.
  • node['gerrit']['batch_admin_user']['enabled'] - Automatically create a user in Gerrit for batch commands. Defaults to true.
  • node['git']['hostname'] - Git server hostname. Defaults to git.typo3.org.
  • node['git-daemon']['home'] - Git user’s home directory. Defaults to /var/git.
  • node['git-daemon']['path'] - Path to Git repositories for Git Daemon. Defaults to /var/git/repositories.
  • node['gitweb']['path'] - Path to Git repositories for Gitweb. Defaults to /var/git/repositories.
  • node['gitweb']['hostname'] - Gitweb server hostname. Defaults to git.typo3.org.
  • node['gerrit']['theme']['compile_files'] - Gerrit theme files (that are reloaded on the fly). Defaults to %w{.
  • node['gerrit']['theme']['static_files'] - Gerrit theme files (that require a restart). Defaults to %w{.


  • site-reviewtypo3org::default

Application Data

Application data resides in the following locations:

  • MySQL data base (gerrit)
  • Gerrit’s git repos:
    • /var/gerrit/review/git/
  • SSH host keys of Gerrit SSH:
    • /var/gerrit/review/etc/ssh_host_{r,d}sa_key{,.pub}
  • SSH private keys for replication (otherwise auto-generated):
    • /var/gerrit/.ssh/id_rsa-replication-*
  • Secondary index:
    • /var/gerrit/review/index
    • if empty, it has to be initialized using offline reindex first, which takes minutes to hours

For the included site-gittypo3org:

  • Git daemon’s git repos:
    • /var/git/repositories/


For the theming we use gulp and sass. So please don’t change the styles in the CSS-files.
Edit the .sass files and execute gulp --production

This will compile your styles, put the changes to a new file with a new cache indentifier
and adjusts all templates and the configuration that uses the styles or js files.

If your new you should execute yarn install first to install everything you need for


Backups are covered by backuppc. No explicit backup mechanisms are implemented.

Build Status

Build status on our CI server:

  • master (release): Build Status master branch
  • develop (next release): Build Status develop branch

License and Maintainer

Maintainer:: Steffen Gebert / TYPO3 Association (steffen.gebert@typo3.org)

License:: Apache 2.0