项目作者: jonasgrebe

项目描述 :
Implementation of three nature-inspired search algorithms: Bees Algorithm, Bat Algorithm, and Firefly Algorithm
高级语言: HTML
项目地址: git://github.com/jonasgrebe/bees-bats-fireflies.git
创建时间: 2019-08-11T09:21:39Z



Nature-inspired Metaheuristics: Bees, Bats, and Fireflies

Implementation of three nature-inspired search algorithms:

How to use the algorithms?

All three algorithms and their variants share a common interface. Basically, all one needs to do in order to use one of the algorithms for optimization, is invoking the search(objective, objective_fct, T) method. The parameters all algorithms have in common (algorithm-independent parameters) are the following:

parameter description domain
objective minimization or maximization problem ‘min’ or ‘max’
objective_fct python function or lambda to optimize f: R^d -> R^1
d dimensionality of solution-space positive integer
n size of the population, i.e. related to amount of bees, bats and fireflies positive integer
range_min lower bound of solution-space in all dimensions real number
range_max upper bound of solution-space in all dimensions real number
T number of iterations positive integer

The Bees Algorithm

parameter description domain
nb number of best patches (smaller than or equal to n) positive integer
ne number of elite patches (smaller than or equal to nb positive integer
nrb number of recruited foragers per best patch (greater than 0) positive integer
nre number of recruited foragers per elite patch (greater than nrb) positive integer

Additional parameters for the Improved Bees Algorithm that includes neighborhood shrinking and site abandonment:

parameter description domain
sf factor for shrinking the patch size (0, 1]
sl stagnation limit positive integer

The Bat Algorithm

parameter description domain
a initial loudness of all bats positive float
r_max maximum pulse rate of bats positive float
alpha loudness decreasing factor (0, 1]
gamma pulse rate increasing factor (0, 1]
f_min minimum sampled frequency positive float
f_max maximum sampled frequency positive float

The Firefly Algorithm

parameter description domain
alpha neighbor sphere radius positive float
beta_max maximum attractivneness positive float
gamma attractiveness descreasing factor positive float

Example Notebooks

You can find exemplary applications of these three implemented metaheuristics in the following few notebooks:

  • notebook_function_test.ipynb: Simples minimization of benchmarking functions
  • notebook_mle_cauchy.ipynb: Maximum Likelihood Estimation for randomly generated cauchy-distributed samples
  • notebook_spring_design.ipynb: Spring weight minimization given some constraints
  • notebook_visualize.ipynb: Example on how to visualize the algorithms in the two-dimensional case
  • notebook_cluster.ipynb: Attempt to cluster iris data set and generated data set with the metaheuristics