BRU: Bandwidth Regulation Unit for Real-Time Multicore Processors
This repository contains the necessary files to reproduce the experiment results in the BRU paper.
The simulation environment runs on FireSim. To set up the environment, follow the FireSim documentation version 1.6.0 through the Initial Setup/Installation section. When cloning FireSim, use the URL of this repository instead.
Then, run the following commands to complete the installation:
sudo pip3 install numpy matplotlib
cd bru-firesim/sw/firesim-software/workloads/farzad/overlay/root/riscv-hpmcounters
cd bru-firesim/sw/firesim-software/workloads/farzad/overlay/root/isolbench/bench
Make sure to source
before running any commands.
This will run the simulation and store the result on the manager:
cd bru-firesim/sw/firesim-software
./marshal -v build workloads/bw-periodic-disparity-6.json
./marshal install workloads/bw-periodic-disparity-6.json
firesim launchrunfarm -c config_runtime6.ini && firesim infrasetup -c config_runtime6.ini && firesim runworkload -c config_runtime6.ini && firesim terminaterunfarm -q -c config_runtime6.ini
Look for the result directory printed on the screen:
FireSim Simulation Exited Successfully. See results in:
To parse the results and create Figure 9:
cd bru-firesim/bru-expr/periodic
./ [path-to-the-result-directory] bw-periodic-disparity-6
This will create the figure in cdf.pdf
To run the simulation:
cd bru-firesim/sw/firesim-software
./marshal -v build workloads/lt-bww-2.json
./marshal install workloads/lt-bww-2.json
firesim launchrunfarm -c config_runtime2.ini && firesim infrasetup -c config_runtime2.ini && firesim runworkload -c config_runtime2.ini && firesim terminaterunfarm -q -c config_runtime2.ini
To parse the result and create Figure 12:
cd bru-firesim/bru-expr/lt-bww
./ [path-to-the-result-directory]
This will create the figure in lt-bww.pdf
To run the simulation:
cd bru-firesim/sw/firesim-software
./marshal -v build workloads/vision-lt-3.json
./marshal install workloads/vision-lt-3.json
firesim launchrunfarm -c config_runtime3.ini && firesim infrasetup -c config_runtime3.ini && firesim runworkload -c config_runtime3.ini && firesim terminaterunfarm -q -c config_runtime3.ini
To parse the result and create Figure 13:
cd bru-firesim/bru-expr/vision-lt
./ [path-to-the-result-directory]
This will create the figure in vision-lt.pdf
The BRU source code is located here.
Farzad Farshchi, Qijing Huang, and Heechul Yun, “BRU: Bandwidth Regulation Unit for Real-Time Multicore Processors,” IEEE Intl. Conference on Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), April 2020. [paper] [slides]