项目作者: MaximDevoir

项目描述 :
Fixes issues with Steam on Ubuntu/Linux by removing libstdc++ and libgcc libraries from the Steam folder.
高级语言: Shell
项目地址: git://github.com/MaximDevoir/steam-fix.git
创建时间: 2019-05-14T05:28:45Z

开源协议:MIT License


Steam Fix

Fixes issues with Steam and games on Ubuntu/Linux by removing libstdc++ and
libgcc libraries from the Steam folder.


Getting Started

Begin by downloading the latest release from
releases, or by git cloning the repository.


Open a terminal at the directory you placed the software at and and run
./entrypoint.sh. Follow the instructions provided by the software.

Reminder: Whenever Steam updates, a game in your library is
updated/installed, or an integrity check is ran on either Steam or a game, the
libstdc++ and libgcc files might be re-added. You must run the software each
time those files are re-added.


The software will inform you if you are running an outdated version of the

When an update is available, you can update via Git or by downloading the latest
release. If you attained the software via git; read via Git. Otherwise, you
probably downloaded the software; read via Download.

via Download

Download the latest release
and replace your old files with the new files.

via Git

From the project directory, run git pull.
