项目作者: jshmrtn

项目描述 :
Convert Money Amounts between currencies.
高级语言: Elixir
项目地址: git://github.com/jshmrtn/currency-conversion.git
创建时间: 2017-01-26T21:15:59Z

开源协议:MIT License



GitHub license
Hex.pm Version
Coverage Status

Convert Money Amounts between currencies. This library uses an OTP worker to save current conversion rates.


The package can be installed by adding currency_conversion to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

  1. def deps do
  2. [
  3. {:currency_conversion, "~> 1.0"},
  4. {:jason, "~> 1.1"}, # When usig Fixer / Exchange Rates API,
  5. {:httpotion, "~> 3.1"}, # When usig Fixer / Exchange Rates API
  6. ]
  7. end


CurrencyConversion is a wrapper around the currency conversion. We can define an
implementation as follows:

  1. defmodule MyApp.CurrencyConversion do
  2. use CurrencyConversion, otp_app: :my_app
  3. end

If your application was generated with a supervisor (by passing --sup to mix new)
you will have a lib/my_app/application.ex file containing the application start
callback that defines and starts your supervisor. You just need to edit the start/2
function to start the converter as a supervisor on your application’s supervisor:

  1. def start(_type, _args) do
  2. children = [
  3. {MyApp.CurrencyConversion, []}
  4. ]
  5. opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor]
  6. Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
  7. end


  • source - Configure which Data Source Should Be Used.
    • Type: atom
    • Default: CurrencyConversion.Source.ExchangeRatesApi
    • Restrictions: Must implement CurrencyConversion.Source behaviour
    • Given Implementations:
      • CurrencyConversion.Source.Fixer - Fixer
      • CurrencyConversion.Source.ExchangeRatesApi - Exchange Rates API
      • CurrencyConversion.Source.Test - Test Source
  • base_currency - Change the base currency that is requested when fetching rates
    • Type: atom
    • Default: :EUR
  • refresh_interval - Configure how often the data should be refreshed (in ms) or turn auto-refresh off.
    • Type: integer | :manual
    • Default: 86_400_000 (Once per Day)
    • :manual turns auto-refresh off, do refresh yourself
  • seed - Deliver the rates data manually.
    • Type: (Keyword.t() -> {:ok, CurrencyConversion.Rates.t()} | {:error, binary}) | {module :: atom, function :: atom, arity :: 1}
    • Default: Load from source
  • test_rates - Configure rates for CurrencyConversion.Source.Test source
    • Type: {atom, %{atom: float}}
    • Default: see CurrencyConversion.Source.Test.@default_rates
    • Example: {:EUR, %{CHF: 7.0}}
  1. config :my_app, MyApp.CurrencyConversion,
  2. source: CurrencyConversion.Source.Fixer,
  3. source_api_key: "FIXER_ACCESS_KEY",
  4. source_protocol: "https",
  5. refresh_interval: 86_400_000

Custom Source

A custom source can be implemented by using the behaviour CurrencyConversion.Source and reconfiguring the source config.

It only has to implement the function load/0, which produces a struct of type %CurrencyConversion.Rates{}.


To prevent HTTP calls in the Tests, configure the Test Source. (See the configuration test_rates for custom test rates.)

  1. config :my_app, MyApp.CurrencyConversion,
  2. source: CurrencyConversion.Source.Test,
  3. refresh_interval: 86_400_000


Only the callbacks from CurrencyConversion are exposed to the user. The library
money is used to represent money amounts.


Change 7 swiss franks to dollars:

  1. iex> MyApp.CurrencyConversion.convert(Money.new(7_00, :CHF), :USD)
  2. %Money{amount: 10_50, currency: :USD}

Get supported currencies:

  1. iex> MyApp.CurrencyConversion.get_currencies()
  2. [:EUR, :USD, :CHF, ...]

Manually refresh exchange rates:

iex> MyApp.CurrencyConversion.refresh_rates()