项目作者: maxbla

项目描述 :
Provides a Iterator interface to Linux InputEvents
高级语言: Rust
项目地址: git://github.com/maxbla/gel-o.git
创建时间: 2020-05-09T00:19:59Z




Gel-O is a library that provides a std::iter::Iterator interface over Linux InputEvents. You can map, filter and loop over input events without dealing with the low-level details of obtaining those events.

Gel-O is so named for examples/delay.rs, which delays all user input, making a computer feel like Jell-O.


Gel-O is experimental. Expect many breaking changes to come.

Similar crates

  • evdev
    • A pure-rust Iterator over InputEvents, with no support for writing to devices (simulating user input).
  • evdev-rs
    • Low-level safe bindings to libevdev. Gel-O is built atop evdev-rs.


  • Linux
    • epoll (Linux 2.6.27+)
    • kernel supporting evdev (~ 2.4+)
  • Rust toolchain
    • version 1.40 or higher
    • cargo
  • Transitive dependencies
    • C toolchain
    • autoconf and libtool
      • #apt install autoconf libtool
      • #yum install autoconf libtool
      • #pacman -S autoconf libtool

macOS and Windows are not supported and support is not planned. BSD support may be easy to add, as evdev was recently added to FreeBSD.


  • How does it work?
    • Gel-O monitors device files in /dev/input, reading InputEvents lazily only when user code calls .next().
  • Does it work when using the Wayland Display Server Protocol?
    • Yes. Gel-O works everywhere linux does - on Xorg, Wayland, and even the Linux virtual terminal
  • What is the computational overhead of Gel-O?
    • Gel-O is pretty leightweight. Most of the examples use around 1MB of RAM. Mouse movement is smooth on low-power devices (such as Raspberry Pi) due to efficient epoll-based architecture. On raspberry pi 3, expect Gel-O to use ~2% CPU during rapid mouse movement and 0% otherwise.
  • What devices does Gel-O work with?
    • Gel-O works with every input device Linux does because Gel-O operates just above the driver level. Gel-O has been tested specifically with mice, keyboards, power buttons and gamepads.
  • What happens if I unplug my device and plug it back in?
    • Gel-O detects new devices being plugged in, and starts monitoring them. Unplugging and plugging in might mean a few events are lost, but everything will continue smoothly after that loss.


  • Requires read/write access to files in /dev/input and the file /dev/uinput
    • This can be acomplished by running as root (sudo)


Download the source

  1. git clone [this repo]

Compile the source. You need a rust toolchain and cargo.

  1. cargo build --release --example delay

Run the produced binary with root privledges

  1. sudo ./target/release/examples/delay [number of ms to delay]

make changes to source files. Before committing, run checks.sh (this checks formatting and for compiler warnings) and test you changes locally

  1. ./checks.sh && cargo test --no-run && sudo --preserve-env cargo test