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项目作者: simply-nicky

项目描述 :
Convergent beam crystallography
高级语言: Jupyter Notebook
项目地址: git://
创建时间: 2019-01-18T15:19:21Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0


Convergent beam crystallography project

This project consists of two packages - convergent beam simulation program (cbc) and experimental data processing package (cbc_dp)

1. Convergent beam simulation

Simulation for convergent beam diffration on a crystalline sample written in Python. Code is compatible with Python 2.X and 3.X.

For more information regarding the theory behind this see the article written by Prof. Henry Chapman.


It’s a package called cbc, with which you can conduct a diffraction simulation. See usage examples: go to cbc package structure

Required dependencies:

  • NumPy
  • Numba
  • SciPy
  • matplotlib
  • h5py


The package can perform convergent beam diffraction simulation of crystalline samples based on first Born approximation theory.

Available incoming beam models:

  • Gaussian beam
  • Bessel beam
  • Lens beam with rectangular or circular aperture

Samples could be composed of different compound unit cells deffined by array of atom coordinates within the unit cell and corresponding B-factors. These data can be imported via PDB format file. Unit cells are arranged in a rectangular grid.

cbc package structure

The library itself consists of two modules and an utility package:

  • - a module with incoming beam classes
  • - a module with sample lattice classes
  • - simulation calculation wrapper module
  • utils - utility package:
    • - utility functions for convergent beam diffraction project
    • asf - atomic scattering factor calculation package:
      • - a module, that loads atomic scattering factor fit coefficients
    • pdb - PDB data import package
      • - a module, that imports molecular structure .pdb files

Also there is a couple of usage examples:

  • - reading and ploting diffraction results
  • - diffraction simulation example

Upcoming things to do

  • consider different crystall space groups

2. Convergent crystallography data processing

Experimental convergent diffraction data processing package. Data is acquired from PETRA P06 beamtime on June 13, 2019.

Data correction:

  1. - Flatfield correction
  2. - Median filtering
  3. - Non maximum supression

Line detection

  1. - Progressive Probabilistic Hough line transform
  2. - Line Segment Detector (LSD)

More information about Progressive Hough transform is written in this article and about Line Segment Detector in this article.


  1. - Rotational diffraction pattern indexing
  2. - Convergent beam indexer