项目作者: Pantonshire

项目描述 :
Twitter API proxy server using gRPC
高级语言: Go
项目地址: git://github.com/Pantonshire/goldcrest.git
创建时间: 2020-09-10T14:41:40Z

开源协议:MIT License


Goldcrest Twitter API Proxy

Latest Release
Docker Hub

Goldcrest is a proxy server using gRPC for interacting with the Twitter API v1.1. Its main focus is on providing centralised
rate-limit tracking so that several processes can concurrently use the Twitter API without having to worry about rate-limits.

Currently, there are clients in Go and Rust.

Please note that this project is still in alpha stage; use at your own risk!

Supported endpoints

Goldcrest currently supports the following Twitter API endpoints:

Twitter API endpoint gRPC method
statuses/update PublishTweet
statuses/retweet RetweetTweet
search/tweets SearchTweets
statuses/unretweet UnretweetTweet
statuses/show GetTweet
statuses/lookup GetTweets
statuses/destroy DeleteTweet
statuses/home_timeline GetHomeTimeline
statuses/mentions_timeline GetMentionTimeline
statuses/user_timeline GetUserTimeline
favorites/create LikeTweet
favorites/destroy UnlikeTweet
account/update_profile UpdateProfile



Pre-built images are available on Docker Hub.

  1. docker run -d -p --read-only pantonshire/goldcrest

Currently, images are available for amd64 and arm64. If you’re using a different architecture, you’ll probably need to build the image yourself:

  1. docker build -t goldcrest https://github.com/Pantonshire/goldcrest.git#main
  2. docker run -d -p --read-only goldcrest

Building from source

  1. To compile Goldcrest from source, you will first need the following:
  2. Run make proto from the repository root.
  3. Run make from the repository root.
  4. cp default.goldcrest.yaml goldcrest.yaml to get a correctly-named config file.