Extended Kalman Filter
Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree Program
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make
cmake .. -G "Unix Makefiles" && make
./ExtendedKF path/to/input.txt path/to/output.txt
. You can find./ExtendedKF ../data/obj_pose-laser-radar-synthetic-input.txt
We’ve purposefully kept editor configuration files out of this repo in order to
keep it as simple and environment agnostic as possible. However, we recommend
using the following settings:
Please (do your best to) stick to Google’s C++ style guide.
This is optional!
If you’d like to generate your own radar and lidar data, see the
utilities repo for
Matlab scripts that can generate additional data.
Note: regardless of the changes you make, your project must be buildable using
cmake and make!
More information is only accessible by people who are already enrolled in Term 2
of CarND. If you are enrolled, see the project resources page
for instructions and the project rubric.
Help your fellow students!
We decided to create Makefiles with cmake to keep this project as platform
agnostic as possible. Similarly, we omitted IDE profiles in order to we ensure
that students don’t feel pressured to use one IDE or another.
However! We’d love to help people get up and running with their IDEs of choice.
If you’ve created a profile for an IDE that you think other students would
appreciate, we’d love to have you add the requisite profile files and
instructions to ide_profiles/. For example if you wanted to add a VS Code
profile, you’d add:
The README should explain what the profile does, how to take advantage of it,
and how to install it.
Regardless of the IDE used, every submitted project must
still be compilable with cmake and make.