项目作者: axayjha

项目描述 :
8085 assembly codes
高级语言: Assembly
项目地址: git://github.com/axayjha/8085.git
创建时间: 2017-08-06T19:03:57Z



Microprocessors and microcontrollers lab

8085 assembly codes

Download the simulator:

Subroutine addresses for ALS and Dyna 8085 kits:

(user i/p and display subroutines won’t work with the simulator)

For Dyna Kit

  • RDKBD : 0x02E7

  • MODIDT: 0x036E

  • MODIAD: 0x0362

For ALS Kit

  • RDKBD: 0x0634

  • UPDDT: 0x06D3

  • UPDAD: 0x06BC

  1. .
  2. ├── Day 1
  3. ├── addition.asm
  4. ├── copy_data_block.asm
  5. ├── subtraction.asm
  6. └── sum_of_array.asm
  7. ├── Day 2
  8. ├── alternateblocks.asm
  9. ├── datablock1.asm
  10. ├── no_of_ones.asm
  11. ├── shiftby5.asm
  12. └── sumofarray.asm
  13. ├── Day 3
  14. ├── BCD_up_counter.asm
  15. ├── compare_block.asm
  16. ├── multiply.asm
  17. ├── packBCD.asm
  18. ├── sort.asm
  19. ├── square.asm
  20. └── unpackBCD.asm
  21. ├── Exam
  22. ├── count_1s.asm
  23. ├── count_even_nos.asm
  24. ├── count_negative_nos.asm
  25. ├── count_odd_nos.asm
  26. ├── count_positive_nos.asm
  27. ├── largest_number.asm
  28. ├── LED_PORT_A_Rotate.asm
  29. ├── multiplication_w_carry.asm
  30. ├── pack_numbers.asm
  31. ├── smallest_number.asm
  32. └── sort_descending.asm
  33. ├── Extras
  34. ├── division.asm
  35. ├── factorial.asm
  36. ├── fibonacci.asm
  37. ├── mutliplication_16bit.asm
  38. ├── mutliplication_8bit_w_carry.asm
  39. └── squareroot.asm
  40. ├── Peripherals
  41. ├── adc.asm
  42. ├── DC_motor.asm
  43. ├── LED_PORT_A_B.asm
  44. ├── LED_PORT_A_Rotate.asm
  45. └── pendulum_stepper_motor.asm
  46. ├── subroutines
  47. ├── display_3byte_data.asm
  48. ├── display_in_address_field.asm
  49. ├── display_in_data_field.asm
  50. ├── read_user_input.asm
  51. └── subroutine_addresses.md
  52. └── Waves
  53. | ├── ramp.asm
  54. | ├── sawtooth.asm
  55. | ├── square_wave.asm
  56. | └── triangular_wave.asm
  57. ├── README.md
  58. ├── subroutine_addresses.md
  59. └── Jubin's 8085 Simulator ver 2.jar
  60. 8 directories, 50 files