Galactic chemical evolution in python
Galactic chemical evolution in python
contains simple tools to study chemical evolution in galaxies.
Jo Bovy (University of Toronto): bovy - at - astro - dot - utoronto - dot - ca
Install the latest release with pip
pip install kimmy
or install the latest version by cloning/forking/downloading the repository and installing using
sudo python install
or locally using
python install --user
For an example of usage, see the example notebook. You can also launch a Binder instance and directly play around with this notebook. Or you can use this pyodide-compatible version of the same notebook in JupyterLite.
Currently, the only implemented feature is a simple one-zone chemical model with two elements O
(for oxygen) and Fe
(for iron). Initialize this model as
import kimmy
oz= kimmy.OneZone()
then for example compute the evolution of the default model and plot the [O/Fe] vs. [Fe/H] sequence
ts= numpy.linspace(0.001,10.,1001)*u.Gyr
To compute the distribution of [Fe/H], do for example,
FeHs= numpy.linspace(-1.525,1.225,56)
FeH_dist= [oz.Fe_H_DF(f) for f in FeHs]
and similar for the distribution of [O/H] and [O/Fe]. You can directly update the main parameters of the model and the model will be re-computed. For example, to set the outflow mass-loading parameter to one and plot the [O/Fe] vs. [Fe/H] sequence, do
ts= numpy.linspace(0.001,10.,1001)*u.Gyr
oz.eta= 1.
Keep in mind that once you change a parameter, it remains changed in the model. If you want to go back to the initial set of parameters that you used to initialize the instance, use oz.initial()
; if you want to go back to the default set of parameters, use oz.default()
. If you want to print the model you are using at any time, do
which prints a nicely formatted list of all of the model parameters.