Keyword based voice assistant.
Friday is a always listening, offline, keyword spotting assistant.
Why would you want to use it?
A use case, what I use it for, is to turn on and off my lights at home by saying
släck ljuset | tänd ljuset
Which is Swedish for turn of the light and turn on the lights.
I intend to upload pre-compiled versions with pre-trained models for different platforms, if there exist any interest for it.
I also intend to try to make it easy to add custom keyword to the underlying keyword spotter. Today, to add custom keywords, you have to record about 100 samples yourself, it takes less than an hour. But then you have to retrain and all of that and it gets pretty tedious. I hope to make that easier in the future. But if you do want to add custom keywords now, please use this: Record your own, it is what I used.
This project depends on libasound2, there is an issue for adding it into the project, but until then one has to install it.
sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev
The libasound2 lib is usually installed on most Linux systems already, but if it isn’t for some reason, run:
sudo apt-get install libasound2
This project also depends on tensorflowlib, there is an issue for adding it into the project, but until then one has to add it manually, See goldfish setup for instructions on adding it for different platforms.
I intend to add many more features in the future. You can take a look in friday/third_party how philips hue is implemented if you want to contribute something yourself! :)
By default Friday will pick the “default” Alsa device, this is specified in configs/recording.json. If you want friday to use some different
recording device: update the field ‘device’ in configs/recording.json
You can get a list of available devices with
arecord -L
On some systems you might have to run that with sudo, and then also run Friday with sudo if you as a user cannot see the audio devices.
Compile the binary, this was developed with bazel 3.4.1 but have also worked with other versions. Please make sure you have all the dependencies setup before trying to compile.
compiling on linux laptop
bazel build //friday:friday --define platform=linux-x86-cpu
Compiling on raspberry pi
bazel build //friday:friday --define platform=linux-arm-cpu
Then launch with
# Set log-level to 5 for debug logging if something is not working