An assertions library written in C99.
Traits is an assertion library written in C99.
It’s an header only library so you just have to includetraits.h
in your code and you are ready for bugs hunting.
Below are listed all the assertion macros in the library.
Every macro is “overloaded” and can be called specifying
a custom message in the same way as you would do using printf.
That means that you can write something like this:
/* Just assert without specifying a message */
assert_that(5 == 5);
/* Assert specifying a message */
int x = 5, y = 6;
assert_that(x == y, "Ops! Expected: %d, got: %d", x, y);
assert_equal(e, a);
assert_not_equal(e, a);
assert_greater(e, a);
assert_greater_equal(e, a);
assert_less(e, a);
assert_less_equal(e, a);
assert_memory_equal(e, a, s);
assert_memory_not_equal(e, a, s);
assert_string_equal(e, a);
assert_string_not_equal(e, a);
Traits defines also some helpers to make easier and safer your custom assertion:
eq(e, a) /* ((e) == (a)) */
ne(e, a) /* ((e) != (a)) */
gt(e, a) /* ((e) > (a)) */
ge(e, a) /* ((e) >= (a)) */
lt(e, a) /* ((e) < (a)) */
le(e, a) /* ((e) <= (a)) */
as(T, x) /* It's simply a cast: ((T)(x)) */
/* Those are just a combination of the above */
eq_as(T, e, a) /* eq(as(T, e), as(T, a)) */
ne_as(T, e, a) /* ne(as(T, e), as(T, a)) */
gt_as(T, e, a) /* gt(as(T, e), as(T, a)) */
ge_as(T, e, a) /* ge(as(T, e), as(T, a)) */
lt_as(T, e, a) /* lt(as(T, e), as(T, a)) */
le_as(T, e, a) /* le(as(T, e), as(T, a)) */