ASCII table with per column format specs, multi-line content, plug-in format functions, column width control.
ASCII table with per column format specs, multi-line content,
formatting directives, column width control.
Dataclass to ASCII table printer.
from monotable import mono
headings = ["purchased\nparrot\nheart rate", "life\nstate"]
# > is needed to right align None cell since it auto-aligns to left.
# monotable uses empty string to format the second column.
formats = [">(none=rest).0f"]
cells = [
[0, "demised"],
[0.0, "passed on"],
[None, "is no more"],
[0, "ceased to be"],
# top guideline is equals, heading is period, bottom is omitted.
guideline_chars="=. ",
sample output:
parrot life
heart rate state
0 demised
0 passed on
rest is no more
0 ceased to be
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import auto, Enum
from monotable import dataclass_print
from monotable import dataclass_format
from monotable import stow
Print a dataclass as an ASCII table. The field names are left
justified in the left column. The values are right justified
in the right column.
class CurrentConditions:
temperature: float
humidity: float
heat_index: int
weather_data = CurrentConditions(80.0, 0.71, 83)
temperature 80.0
humidity 0.71
heat_index 83
The table title defaults to the class name. The string passed
to the “title” keyword is prepended to the class name.
dataclass_print(weather_data, title="Airport")
Airport : CurrentConditions
temperature 80.0
humidity 0.71
heat_index 83
Call dataclass_format() to print or log later.
text = dataclass_format(weather_data, title="Airport")
Airport : CurrentConditions
temperature 80.0
humidity 0.71
heat_index 83
Specify formatting for a data class field as shown for
the field() call in place of the default value for the
humidity field below.
The function stow() assigns the dict {“spec”: “.0%”} to
the field’s metadata dict as the value for the key
The code internally applies this f-string: f”{value:{spec}}”
to format the value.
class SpecCurrentConditions:
temperature: float
humidity: float = field(metadata=stow(spec=".0%"))
heat_index: int
weather_data = SpecCurrentConditions(80.0, 0.71, 83)
temperature 80.0
humidity 71%
heat_index 83
Specify a format function to do the formatting for a field.
Set the ‘spec’ key to a callable.
The function takes the field value as the parameter and returns a string.
The string is printed in the table. Note that just the enumeration
name “E” is printed instead of “Direction.E”.
class Direction(Enum):
N = auto()
E = auto()
S = auto()
W = auto()
class Wind:
speed: int
direction: Direction = field(metadata=stow(spec=lambda x:
wind_data = Wind(speed=11,direction=Direction.E)
speed 11
direction E
Set the ‘help’ key to add text immediately after the field name.
This is printed in the table left column:
class MoreConditions:
visibility: float = field(metadata=stow(help="(mi)",spec=".2f"))
dewpoint: int = field(metadata=stow(help="(degF)"))
more_data = MoreConditions(visibility=10.00,dewpoint=71)
visibility (mi) 10.00
dewpoint (degF) 71
An additional ASCII table is printed for each nested dataclass.
The table is below and indented two spaces for each level of nesting.
class MoreCurrentConditions:
temperature: float
humidity: float
heat_index: int
wind: Wind = field(metadata=stow(help="(2pm)"))
more_weather_data = MoreCurrentConditions(
80.0, 0.71, 83, Wind(11, Direction.E)
The class name is printed in place of the value. The value of
the wind field is printed in a second table below the first
and indented two spaces.
temperature 80.0
humidity 0.71
heat_index 83
wind (2pm) Wind
MoreCurrentConditions.wind (2pm) : Wind
speed 11
direction E
To prevent levels of nested dataclasses from printing pass
keyword parameter max_depth. 1 means just print the top
level of dataclass. Note that only the classname of
the wind field value is printed.
dataclass_print(more_weather_data, max_depth=1)
temperature 80.0
humidity 0.71
heat_index 83
wind (2pm) Wind
dataclass_print() passes extra keyword arguments to monotable.mono().
See monotable.mono()’s documentation. Some examples are below.
dataclass_print(more_weather_data, max_depth=1, bordered=True)
| temperature | 80.0 |
| humidity | 0.71 |
| heat_index | 83 |
| wind (2pm) | Wind |
dataclass_print(more_weather_data, max_depth=1, indent="....")
....temperature 80.0
....humidity 0.71
....heat_index 83
....wind (2pm) Wind
dataclass_print(more_weather_data, max_depth=1, formats=(">", "<"))
temperature 80.0
humidity 0.71
heat_index 83
wind (2pm) Wind
For a dataclass field value, set the monotable field metadata
“spec” key to a function so that the value is printed in the top
level table rather than below as a separate table.
Note- This example is coded in Python REPL style so it can be tested
by the PYPI project phmutest using —replmode.
>>> from dataclasses import dataclass, field
>>> from enum import auto, Enum
>>> from monotable import dataclass_print
>>> from monotable import stow
>>> class Direction(Enum):
... N = auto()
... E = auto()
... S = auto()
... W = auto()
>>> @dataclass
... class Wind:
... speed: int
... direction: Direction = field(metadata=stow(spec=lambda x:
>>> @dataclass
... class WindInline:
... temperature: float
... humidity: float
... heat_index: int
... wind: Wind = field(metadata=stow(spec=str))
>>> wind = Wind(11, Direction.E)
>>> wind_inline = WindInline(80.0, 0.71, 83, wind)
>>> dataclass_print(wind_inline)
temperature 80.0
humidity 0.71
heat_index 83
wind Wind(speed=11, direction=<Direction.E: 2>)
Note “<” at the start of title= specifies left alignment.
monotable detects alignment from the first character of the title.
>>> dataclass_print(wind_inline, title="<Left Aligned Title")
Left Aligned Title : WindInline
temperature 80.0
humidity 0.71
heat_index 83
wind Wind(speed=11, direction=<Direction.E: 2>)
from typing import Any, Tuple
class DCPrint:
"""Mixin class for dataclass to add member function dcprint()."""
# This should be the same signature as dataclass_print()
# where dataclass_instance is replaced by self.
def dcprint(
# note- These 2 keyword args are monotable positional args.
formats: Tuple[str, str] = ("", ">"),
title: str = "", # monotable title prefix
**monotable_kwargs: Any, # keyword args passed to monotable.mono().
) -> None:
Add DCPrint as a base class to the dataclass definition.
class Temperatures(DCPrint):
high: int
low: int
temps = Temperatures(high=77, low=60)
temps.dcprint(title="High/Low Temperature")
High/Low Temperature : Temperatures
high 77
low 60
>>> @dataclass
... class MoreConditions:
... visibility: float = field(metadata=stow(help="(mi)",spec=".2f"))
... dewpoint: int = field(metadata=stow(help="(degF)"))
>>> more_data = MoreConditions(visibility=10.00,dewpoint=71)
>>> dataclass_print(more_data)
visibility (mi) 10.00
dewpoint (degF) 71
>>> @dataclass
... class MoreCurrentConditions:
... temperature: float
... humidity: float
... heat_index: int
... wind: Wind = field(metadata=stow(help="(2pm)"))
>>> more_weather_data = MoreCurrentConditions(
... 80.0, 0.71, 83, Wind(11, Direction.E)
... )
>>> dataclass_print(more_weather_data)
temperature 80.0
humidity 0.71
heat_index 83
wind (2pm) Wind
MoreCurrentConditions.wind (2pm) : Wind
speed 11
direction E