项目作者: SmartPorridge

项目描述 :
国内下载google AVA dataset;download google AVA dataset in China
高级语言: Batchfile
项目地址: git://github.com/SmartPorridge/google-AVA-Dataset-downloader.git

Download Google AVA Dataset

[20220606更新] 百度云分享功能好像又恢复了,链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1LZX-xBHqFbKGkqr-iBM2MA 提取码:stij。如果不行的话,可以添加我微信“smartporridge”,备注ava数据下载,点对点分享吧

[20200529更新] 百度云的好友点对点分享是可以的,可以添加我微信“smartporridge”,备注ava数据下载,点对点分享吧

[20200525更新] 分享链接被百度屏蔽了,说是侵权或色情,,,,需要点对点分享,有需要下载的可以添加我微信“smartporridge”,备注ava数据下载,点对点发链接吧。

!!更新百度云下载链接:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1iUDhSMv9flaQo2ryjRmx7w 提取码: 4zxc


This repository contains the train and test annotations, all the videos’ youtube IDs, action_id and some videos may be inaccessible on Youtube from your location.

仓库中有AVA的训练和测试annotations,也有所有视频的Youtube ID, 以及所有类别的labels,以及部分因为版权原因下载不到的视频下载方法。

The AVA dataset densely annotates 80 atomic visual actions in 57.6k movie clips with actions localized in space and time, resulting in 210k action labels with multiple labels per human occurring frequently. The main differences with existing video datasets are:

  1. the definition of atomic visual actions, which avoids collecting data for each and every complex action;
  2. precise spatio-temporal annotations with possibly multiple annotations for each human;
  3. the use of diverse, realistic video material (movies).

More details about the dataset and initial experiments can be found in this arXiv paper.

The AVA dataset contains 192 videos split into 154 training and 38 test videos. Each video has 15 minutes annotated in 3 second intervals, resulting in 300 annotated segments. These annotations are specified by two CSV files: ava_train_v1.0.csv and ava_test_v1.0.csv.

Each row contains an annotation for one person performing an action in an interval, where that annotation is associated with the middle frame. Different persons and multiple action labels are described in separate rows.

The format of a row is the following: video_id, middle_frame_timestamp, person_box, action_id

  1. video_id: YouTube identifier
  2. middle_frame_timestamp: in seconds from the start of the YouTube.
  3. person_box: top-left (x1, y1) and bottom-right (x2,y2) normalized with respect to frame size, where (0.0, 0.0) corresponds to the top left, and (1.0, 1.0) corresponds to bottom right.
  4. action_id: identifier of an action class, see ava_action_list_v1.0.pbtxt

The Youtube video IDs (train split) is ava_ytids_train_v1.0.txt
The Youtube video IDs (test split) is ava_ytids_test_v1.0.txt

To download youtube videos, you need youtube-dl , for example:

  1. youtube-dl -f best -f mp4 55Ihr6uVIDA -o "video_data/55Ihr6uVIDA.mp4"

Please note that some videos may be inaccessible on Youtube from your location.If you are a researcher interested in the whole dataset, click here for more information. And then you can download this part of videos after aome operations.

  1. -FaXLcSFjUI.mp4 2017-07-17 14:50 365M
  2. 0f39OWEqJ24.mp4 2017-07-17 14:36 437M
  3. 2XeFK-DTSZk.mkv 2017-08-08 03:12 270M
  4. 4trIFq61-lk.mkv 2017-07-24 03:13 454M
  5. EQZWzLyx-GM.mkv 2017-09-07 03:22 242M
  6. F_-zE1dQsso.mkv 2017-08-02 03:24 225M
  7. G3nRbyu0gMs.mp4 2017-07-17 14:51 218M
  8. K--hW14uzA0.mkv 2017-09-12 03:29 877M
  9. KHHgQ_Pe4cI.mkv 2017-08-08 03:29 845M
  10. N0Dt9i9IUNg.mkv 2017-07-17 15:00 426M
  11. PmElx9ZVByw.mp4 2017-07-17 15:04 431M
  12. XIx-C22Ewk4.mp4 2017-08-09 03:47 788M
  13. ZFQ3lF6yq_E.mkv 2017-08-01 03:49 459M
  14. _2Isct32Msg.mkv 2017-08-26 03:11 627M
  15. bnW1PXGt5hw.mp4 2017-07-17 14:46 379M
  16. lSCEt_mCHlM.mkv 2017-07-17 14:59 2.6G
  17. nxL0yqWP3H0.mkv 2017-07-17 15:01 659M

The dataset is made available by Google Inc. under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.


谷歌发布了新的数据集 AVA(atomic visual actions),提供扩展视频序列中每个人的多个动作标签。AVA 包括 YouTube 公开视频的 URL,使用包含 80 个原子动作(atomic action)集进行标注(如「走路」、「踢(某物)」、「握手」),所有动作都有时空定位,从而产生 57.6k 视频片段、96k 标注人类动作和 210k 动作标签。

