this is modified btree which allows duplicate values
The goal of this assignment is to get some practice with binary search trees, specifically B-
Problem Statement:
task is to implement a g
eneric DuplicateBTree class. As is to be expected,
DuplicateBTree must implement the BTree ADT we studied in class, except that it can contain multiple copies of the
same key (at times with exactly the same value). This implies you will have to change the
algorithms for searching,
inserting and deleting suitably. The exact interface will be as follows:
public interface DuplicateBTree
public BTree(int b) throws bNotEvenException;
/ Initializes an empty b - tree. Assume b is even. /
boolean isEmpty();
/ Returns true if the tree is empty./
public int size();
/ Returns the number of key-value pairs/
public int height();
/ Returns the height of this B -tree/
public Vector
/ Returns all values associated with a given key in a vector /
public void insert( Key key ,Value val);
/ Inserts the key - value pair /
public void delete(Key key) throws IllegalKeyException;
/ Deletes all occurrences of key /
public String toString();
/ Prints all the tree in the format listed below /
Your implementation will have to define a node class which will maintain all keys in the node (you may use an array
for this), and references to all children. The format for toString function defi
ned above is as follows:
To convert a tree to string, just convert its root to string. Converting a node to string is defined recursively. Nodes
that are null, are mapped to empty strings. The mapping of a node, is just the concatenation of the mappings of
children, separated by the key value pairs present at the node, and surrounded by rectangular brackets []. For
example, neglecting the values,
| 4 | 5 | 16 |
/ | \ \
/ | \ \
/ | \ \
| 1 | 2 | 3 | |6 | 7 | 9 | | 11 | 12 |15 | | 17 | 22 | 36 |
------------- ------------ --------------- ----------------
will be converted as:
”[[1, 2, 3], 4, [6, 7, 9], 10, [11, 12, 15], 16, [17, 22, 36]]”
Now, we have key value pairs instead of simple set of keys, we just replace a single key output in the above string by
the key value pair. For example, if in the above tree, the values were the string representations of the numbers, then
the answer would be:
”[[1=One, 2=Two
, 3=Three], 4=Four, [……..”