项目作者: info3g

项目描述 :
LinkedIn scrapper is advanced search result scrapper script build with python selenium and beautifulsoup modules to find all people of different profile in excel sheet
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/info3g/linkedin-scrapper.git
创建时间: 2019-08-14T08:14:34Z



Linkedin People Seach Scrapper

LinkedIn scrapper is advanced search result scrapper to find all people of different profile in excel sheet


1. Python

You can install python 3 from https://www.python.org

2. Selenium

You can install selenium using Python Package manager.

command: pip istall selenium

3. Chrome Webdriver

You can install webdriver for chrome browser for selenium from here : https://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads

Note: Check your Chrome version before download

4. BeautifulSoup

You can install BeautifulSoup using Python Package manager.

command: pip istall beautifulsoup4

5. Xlsxwriter

You can install Xlsxwriter to generate Excel file using Python Package manager.

command: pip istall Xlsxwriter


step 1 : Install all the above modules

step 2: Downloads this project as linkedin-scrapper-master

step 3: Unzip this file and run this project

Step 4 : Change the username and password in linkedin-scrapper.py file. For changing you can check the Screenshot http://prntscr.com/osg5kq

step 5 : Run the script and enjoy. Now you got your linkedin people search data in excel sheet which readable in and converted in all format.