项目作者: Jmandarino

项目描述 :
Checks for reservation availability for Walt Disney world restaurants
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/Jmandarino/Disney-Reservation-Checker.git
创建时间: 2017-06-30T19:02:13Z




Checks for reservation availability for Walt Disney World restaurants

2024 Update!

Seems like there is a decent amount of love for this project and I’m sure disney has changed there website a lot since written. I checked today and there seems to be a much different process including having to log in to see reservations. This might be something worth exploring but if you have created a better version of this repo feel free to make an empty PR and I can highlight it on this Project.

Best of luck with all your disney reservations


When booking a vacation at Walt Disney World you can reserve a table up to 180 days in advanced. Some of the more desireable
restraunts will be booked the full 6 months in advanced. This program aims Text the user when a reservation is found by constantly
checking for new reservations.

How it works

This Python program leverages Selenium to check a list of restaurants and reservations you want to make every 5 minutes by
spawning a copy of a ChromeDriver and using Disney’s website to check for a reservation. The website is then processed and
if a reservation if found the user will receive a text with the available times.

Technologies used

  • Twilio Api (to text the user)
  • Python 3.x
  • Selenium (for website scripting automation)

Getting Started

To get started you must install the dependencies:

  • Twilio
  • Selenium

    Install via pip: pip install twilio & pip install selenium

    If you are on OSX you should install chrome driver via brew. brew install chromedriver. Windows Users should be able
    to use the chromedriver provided.

Required Files:

This program requires you to have both accounts.json & places.json

I have included an example of places.json. The reservation you want to make is going to be stored in this file. Here is an example:

  1. {
  2. "places": [{
  3. "name": "Ohana",
  4. "link": "https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/dining/polynesian-resort/ohana/",
  5. "reservations": [{
  6. "time": "7:00pm",
  7. "date": "08/27/17",
  8. "party":"2"
  9. }
  10. ]
  11. },
  12. {
  13. "name": "50's prime",
  14. "link": "https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/dining/hollywood-studios/50s-prime-time-cafe/",
  15. "reservations": [{
  16. "time": "7:00 pm",
  17. "date": "12/18/17",
  18. "party":"2"
  19. },
  20. {
  21. "time": "8:00pm",
  22. "date": "01/01/17",
  23. "party":"3"
  24. }]
  25. }
  26. ]
  27. }

The name of the restaurant is what you will be text back so the value doesn’t matter. The link to the restaurant must be the one
that disney provides. Reservations require a time, date and party. They also must be in a specifc form.

Time: the format must be the follow: HH:MM pm or HH:MM am ex: “07:30 am”. Times go by 30 minute increments, eg. 7:25
pm is NOT valid. The period must be in lower case

Date: the format must be DD/MM/YY eg. 01/01/17

Party: A reservation can be in the range of 1-49

accounts.json is used to text via your Twilio account. you must sign up for your own account which is free. All
information must be filled in.

  1. {
  2. "account_sid": "",
  3. "auth_token":"",
  4. "twilio_number":"+11234567890",
  5. "to_phone_number": ["+1234567890","+1234567890"]
  6. }

account_sid & auth_token: The SID and token can be found at the Twilio Console

twilio_number: To obtain a twilio number follow this link

to_phone_number: (NOW AN ARRAY) Must be a Verified number on your twilio account. Please follow the directions to verify
your phone number. This program now supports multiple phone numbers as an array input.