Hard disk calculation - Easy to calculate integer hard disk partition.
_______ __ _______. __ ___ ______ ___ __ ______
| \ | | / || |/ / / | / \ | | / |
| .--. || | | (----`| ' / ______| ,----' / ^ \ | | | ,----'
| | | || | \ \ | < |______| | / /_\ \ | | | |
| '--' || | .----) | | . \ | `----./ _____ \ | `----.| `----.
|_______/ |__| |_______/ |__|\__\ \______/__/ \__\ |_______| \______|
Hard disk calculation.
Easy to calculate integer hard disk partition.
npm install -g disk-calc
$ disk-calc -h
Usage: disk-calc [options] [command]
usage|u [options]
windows|win <disk_size> [hide_size]
Hard disk calculation.
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
disk-calc usage # Display the program steps in English.
disk-calc usage -c # Display the program steps in Chinese.
disk-calc windows 10 # Calculate the size of the 10G partition
disk-calc windows 10g # Calculate the size of the 10G partition
disk-calc windows 10G # Calculate the size of the 10G partition
disk-calc windows 10GB # Calculate the size of the 10G partition
disk-calc windows 10G 566M # Calculate the size of the 10G partition + 566MB hidden partition sizes
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