A single player version of the traditional card game
This is a single player version of a card game called 31.
There are several slightly different versions of this game so here’s the rules this version is based on:
Shuffle the deck, deal three cards to each player, then take the top card of the deck and place it face-up next to the deck, beginning what we will refer to as “the pile”.
Players take turns choosing either the top card of the pile or the top card of the deck and adding it to their hand. The player then chooses a card to place back on the pile, attempting to create the highest scoring hand. If a player creates a hand worth 31 points they instantly win. See the hand Scoring Section below.
Instead of the above players may alternatively announce that they believe they have a good enough hand to beat everyone else. This is referred to as “knocking”. The other players each get one more turn to try and get a better hand, then all hands are revealed and the player(s) with the best hand(s) win.
Aces count fo 11 points, face cards all count for 10 points and all other cards count for their value. A hand is worth a number of points equal to the count of the cards in one suit in their hand.
If a hand consists of three cards with the same value (say three 4’s), then that hand is worth 30½ points, (despite the cards not all being the same suit).
9♠, A♥, 8♥ scores 19.
♦7, 7♠, 7♥ scores 30½.
A♣, 10♣, K♣ scores 31 and wins immeadiately
This program relies on libBearLibTerminal.so
so that should be copied into usr/local/lib
or another folder indicated by this command: ldconfig -v 2>/dev/null | grep -v ^$'\t'
then you should run sudo ldconfig
to complete the installation.
Then the executable should run correctly.
Alternately if your OS has a package for BearLibTerminal, that may work as well.
Once that’s done compiling in debug mode with cargo build
and release mode with cargo build --release
should work.
You will need a copy of the precompiled BearLibTerminal.dll
and BearLibTerminal.lib
Perform the folloing steps:
copy BearLibTerminal.lib to the project root
Comment out the line containing crate-type = ["dylib"]
in the Cargo.toml
in the state_manipulation
folder. (this is more or less a workaround for this issue, hopefully we will eventually be able to make this switch using the cfg
attribute, but currently using the attribute doesn’t appear to work correctly.)
Run cargo build --release
then copy the exe in ./target/release
to the desired location as well as BearLibTerminal.dll
and any necessary assets (graphics, sound, etc.).