项目作者: myaghobi

项目描述 :
A better captcha for Fat-Free Framework.
高级语言: PHP
项目地址: git://github.com/myaghobi/f3-captcha.git
创建时间: 2020-09-29T06:50:47Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0


F3 Captcha

A better captcha for Fat-Free Framework.

screenshot-english screenshot-persian


This plugin is configurable via config file:

  1. [captcha]
  2. LENGTH=5
  4. WIDTH=150
  5. HEIGHT=70
  6. FONT=monofont.ttf
  7. FONT_SCALE=0.65
  9. LETTERS=123456789abcdefghijklmnopkrstuvwxyz
  10. KEY=captcha_code

The above config is the default, you can ignore/remove each one you don’t need to change.


1. Install

If you use composer, run the below code:

  1. composer require myaghobi/f3-captcha

For manual installation:

  1. Copy the content of lib/ folder into your lib/ folder.
  2. Copy content of ui/ into your ui/ folder.

2. Routing

To show the captcha, you need to add a new route:

  1. $f3->route('GET /captcha', 'Captcha->makeCaptchaImage');

3. Serve

Within your controller you need to serve the captcha:

  1. $f3->set('captcha', \Captcha::instance()->serve());

And in your HTML template:

  1. {{@captcha|raw}}

4. Verification

Finally you need to verify entered security code:

  1. if (\Captcha::verify()) {
  2. ...


- Style

The default captcha template can be changed by the developer, check out ui/captcha/captcha.html.

- Font

The default font is monofont.ttf, you can add your font in ui/fonts/ and set the font name in config file.


You are allowed to use this plugin under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 or later.

Copyright (C) 2021 Mohammad Yaghobi