.Net library for working with any SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC)
DotNetStac helps you to work with STAC (catalog, collection, item)
In a nutshell, the library allows serialization/desrialization of STAC JSON documents (using Newtonsoft.JSON) to typed object modeling STAC objects with properties represented in enhanced objects such as geometries, time stamp/period/span, numerical values and many more via STAC extension plugins engine. Stac Item object is based on GeoJSON.Net feature.
Common Band Name
id and wkt2
representation from Proj.Net Coordinate Systems
$ dotnet add package DotNetStac
using Stac;
using Stac.Schemas;
using System;
using System.Net;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Schema;
var webc = new WebClient();
Uri catalogUri = new Uri("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/radiantearth/stac-spec/master/examples/catalog.json");
StacValidator stacValidator = new StacValidator(new JSchemaUrlResolver());
// StacConvert.Deserialize is the helper to start loading any STAC document
var json = webc.DownloadString(catalogUri);
bool valid = stacValidator.ValidateJson(json);
StacCatalog catalog = StacConvert.Deserialize<StacCatalog>(json);
Console.Out.WriteLine(catalog.Id + ": " + catalog.Description + (valid ? " [VALID]" : "[INVALID]"));
A dedicated notebook is available to get started with all DotNetStac features. If you want to play directly with the notebook, you can
An API documentation site is available at https://terradue.github.io/DotNetStac.
To ensure development libraries are installed, restore all dependencies
> dotnet restore src
Unit tests are in the src/DotNetStac.Test
folder. To run unit tests:
> dotnet test src