项目作者: firemonny

项目描述 :
Smart Lane Market module
高级语言: C++
项目地址: git://github.com/firemonny/Smart-Lane-Marker.git
创建时间: 2018-01-11T18:28:54Z




Smart Lane Market module
Inside of the package have 2 files

  1. PsuedoCarmodule_testsuccessrate_20180110.ino
    This is a car module code
    require HC-12 module. The pin connection is include in the .iso file

Function: Send out signal by baut rate at 4800 baut rate.
Open Serial terminal at 4800 baut rate.
Be able to print the 4800 baut rate signal when recieve it

  1. SmartlanemarkerV1.0.3.ino
    This is smart lane marker module
    require HC-12 module. The pin connection is include in the .iso file
    Function: Be able to detect the signal on baut rate at 4800 baut rate.
    1. Boradcast lane marker information 10 times.