项目作者: firemonny
项目描述 :
Smart Lane Market module
高级语言: C++
项目地址: git://github.com/firemonny/Smart-Lane-Marker.git
Smart Lane Market module
Inside of the package have 2 files
- PsuedoCarmodule_testsuccessrate_20180110.ino
This is a car module code
require HC-12 module. The pin connection is include in the .iso file
Function: Send out signal by baut rate at 4800 baut rate.
Open Serial terminal at 4800 baut rate.
Be able to print the 4800 baut rate signal when recieve it
- SmartlanemarkerV1.0.3.ino
This is smart lane marker module
require HC-12 module. The pin connection is include in the .iso file
Function: Be able to detect the signal on baut rate at 4800 baut rate. Boradcast lane marker information 10 times.