项目作者: werediver

项目描述 :
Self-study on programming languages design and implementation
高级语言: Haskell
项目地址: git://github.com/werediver/pl-lab.git
创建时间: 2019-03-23T12:51:18Z

开源协议:MIT License



Self-study on programming languages design and implementation.


A naive implementation of capture avoiding substitution, weak head normal and normal form conversion, α- and β-equivalence.

Building & running

The elementary REPL computes the normal form of an untyped λ-calculus expression.

  1. $ stack build && stack exec pl-lab-exe
  2. λ> (\x y z. x z (y z)) (\x y. x) (\x y. x)
  3. λz. z
  4. λ> :q