项目作者: xiaoliangabc

项目描述 :
LiDAR Camera Calibration Based on ROS and MATLAB
高级语言: C++
项目地址: git://github.com/xiaoliangabc/lidar_camera_calibration.git
创建时间: 2019-10-30T10:56:07Z



LiDAR Camera Calibration Based on ROS and MATLAB

This package is used to calibrate LiDAR and camera using a chessboard which is commonly used in camera intrinsic calibration. The main idea is inspired by the The Laser-Camera Calibration Toolbox developed by Ranjith. So far, there has the following main features


    Most procedures are based on ROS, which is commonly use in robotics and self-driving cars. We tested this package on the Kinetic version, but we believe that it can be used on other versions as well.

    MATLAB is mainly used to do camera intrinsic calibration. Note that, if you choose to use MATLAB, please refer to matlab/camera_calibration.m, or if you choose to use MATLAB Runtime 2019a, please refer to src/camera_calibration.cc

  • A chessboard

    This is required for intrinsic calibration of the camera as well as extrinsic calibration. The pattern can be downloaded as eps or pdf. The larger the size of the chessboard, the better result usually. It is highly recommended that the chessboard be printed out on plastic or thick poster paper and glued onto a flat board



  1. cd ros_workspace/src
  2. git clone git@github.com:xiaoliangabc/lidar_camera_calibration.git
  3. cd ros_workspace
  4. catkin_make
  5. source devel/setup.bash

Calibration Using Example Data

Download Example Data

Download example data from google driver and unzip it into package folder

  1. unzip example_data.zip -d ros_workspace/src/lidar_camera_calibration/
  2. rm example_data.zip

Modify Config File

Open param/parameters.yaml file, change the ros workspace path in common/data_path to your own

Camera Calibration

Calibration Using MATLAB

Open matlab/camera_calibration.m in MATLAB, run

  1. camera_calibration('ros_workspace/src/lidar_camera_calibration/data/image', 'ros_workspace/src/lidar_camera_calibration/data/result/', 100)

The following information will be output to the console

Calibration Using MATLAB Runtime 2019a


  1. roslaunch lidar_camera_calibration camera_calibration.launch

The following information will be output to the console

Calibration result

The camera calibration result will be write to data/result/ folder, which contains the following three files

  • camera_parameters.txt: which contains camera intrinsics matrix, camera distortion coefficients and image size
  • camera_chessboard_model.txt: which contains chessboard plane model for each image, the format is index,rotation_x,rotation_y,rotation_z,translation_x,translation_y,translation_z
  • camera_chessboard_points.txt: which contains the coordinates of each world point

Detect Chessboard for LiDAR Point Cloud


  1. roslaunch lidar_camera_calibration lidar_chessboard_detector.launch

Then Rviz and rqt_reconfigure will be launched simultaneously, the layout of Rviz is look like

Note that

  • The white point cloud is the original point cloud collected by LiDAR
  • The green point cloud is the candidate point cloud used to detect chessboard
  • The red point cloud is the point cloud fall on the chessboard

The layout of rqt_reconfigure is look like

There are eleven parameters that can be fine-tuned

  • min_height: minimum heiht of candidate point cloud data used to detect chessboard (in units of ‘meters’)
  • max_height: maximum heiht of candidate point cloud data used to detect chessboard (in units of ‘meters’)
  • min_angle: minimum angle of candidate point cloud data used to detect chessboard (in units of ‘degree’)
  • max_angle: maximum angle of candidate point cloud data used to detect chessboard (in units of ‘degree’)
  • min_range: minimum range of candidate point cloud data used to detect chessboard (in units of ‘meters’)
  • max_range: maximum range of candidate point cloud data used to detect chessboard (in units of ‘meters’)
  • max_iterations: maximum iterations for RANSAC to fitting chessboard plane
  • max_outlier_distance: maximum outlier distance for RANSAC to fitting chessboard plane (in units of ‘meters’)
  • cluster_tolerance: euclidean cluster tolerance for finding maximum cluster (in units of ‘meters’)
  • min_cluster_size: minimum points size to be a cluster in euclidean cluster
  • max_cluster_size: maximum points size to be a cluster in euclidean cluster

When a chessboard is successfully detected, click the Next button in Rviz to switch to the next frame, repeat until all chessboards have been detected successfully.

The detect results will be writen to data/result folder, which contains the following two files

  • lidar_chessboard_model.txt: which contains chessboard plane model for each point cloud, the format is index,alpha_x,alpha_y,alpha_z,theta
  • lidar_chessboard_points.txt: which contains the coordinates of each point falls on the chessboard , the format is index,x,y,z

LiDAR Camera Automatic Calibration


  1. roslaunch lidar_camera_calibration lidar_camera_calibration.launch

The following information will be output to the console

At the same time, calibration result will be shown using opencv

You can enter any character with the keyboard in the active window to close the visualization, then you will see Whether to save calibration results(y/n): in console,

  • enter y: save calibration result to file data/result/lidar_camera_parameters.txt, which contains euler_angles, translation_vector, camera intrinsics matrix, camera distortion coefficients and image size
  • enter n: do not save calibration result

LiDAR Camera Manual Calibration

Since the results of automatic calibration may not be very accurate, you may need to manually fine-tune, go straight and run

  1. rosbag play -l ros_workspace/src/lidar_camera_calibration/data/lidar_camera_calibration.bag
  2. roslaunch lidar_camera_calibration manual_calibration.launch

Then Rviz and rqt_reconfigure will be launched simultaneously, the layout of Rviz is look like

Note that

  • The top left image is fusion result, which project point cloud onto image
  • The bottom left image is the raw image
  • The right window shows the LiDAR point cloud

The layout of rqt_reconfigure is look like

There are six parameters that can be fine-tuned

  • yaw: yaw angle (in units of ‘radian’)
  • pitch: pitch angle (in units of ‘radian’)
  • roll: roll angle (in units of ‘radian’)
  • tx: translation in x axis (in units of ‘meters’)
  • ty: translation in y axis (in units of ‘meters’)
  • ty:translation in z axis (in units of ‘meters’)

Once you fine-tune one of these parameters, the fusion result will be shown in Rviz immediately. After you finish fine-tuning, the calibration results will be automatically saved in file data/result/lidar_camera_parameters_manual.txt, the format is the same as lidar_camera_parameters.txt

So far, calibration using example data is over. And now you can do calibration using your own data by referring to the following document

Calibration Using Your Own Data

Modify Config File

Open param/parameters.yaml file, change the following parameters

  • common/frame_id: frame id of your point cloud topic
  • common/point_cloud_topic: topic name of your point cloud
  • common/image_topic: topic name of your image
  • common/data_path: where you want to save your data and result
  • common/square_size: square size of your chessboard (in units of ‘millimeters’)
  • common/min_angle: minimum angle of point cloud data in the view of image (in units of ‘degree’)
  • common/max_angle: maximum angle of point cloud data in the view of image (in units of ‘degree’)
  • common/min_range: minimum range of point cloud data you want to use (in units of ‘meters’)
  • common/max_angle: maximum range of point cloud data you want to use (in units of ‘meters’)

Generate Calibration Data

Before generating calibration data, make sure you have launched your LiDAR and camera diver, or play a bag which contains LiDAR and camera topics


  1. roslaunch lidar_camera_calibration data_generate.launch

Then Rviz will be launched, the layout of Rviz is look like

The main procedure is as following

  • Place the chessboard (either by holding it very still or by using a mechanical device such as a mounted clamp) at a point visible from both the LiDAR and the camera
  • Take a laser scan and an image by clicking the Save button in Rviz, which lies on the bottom left of Rviz
  • Repeat the two previous processes for different positions of the chessboard to get a feel for the range in position and orientation of the target that will cover the field of view of the camera while ensuring sufficient number of laser returns in each scan

Note that

  • There are at least 50 LiDAR points recorded on the chessboard plane
  • The corners of the chessboard pattern must be clearly discernible in the image
  • Take not less than 20 cloud-image pairs for varying valid positions and orientations of chessboard target

After generating calibration data successfully, you can see LiDAR data in folder common/data_path/cloud named as 00**.pcd and image data in floder common/data_path/image named as 00**.jpg

Camera Calibration

This is the same as Camera Calibration in Calibration Using Example Data

Detect Chessboard for LiDAR Point Cloud

This is the same as Detect Chessboard for LiDAR Point Cloud in Calibration Using Example Data

LiDAR Camera Automatic Calibration

This is the same as LiDAR Camera Automatic Calibration in Calibration Using Example Data

LiDAR Camera Manual Calibration

This is the same as LiDAR Camera Manual Calibration in Calibration Using Example Data


The Laser-Camera Calibration Toolbox
