项目作者: GarrettRector

项目描述 :
Python math calculations
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/GarrettRector/Calculations.git
创建时间: 2021-03-26T17:42:13Z



Table of Contents


Calculations is a repository of mini Projects/Experiments and useful math scripts. These are often just fun little Experiemnts in python, but also contains scripts used mainly for math


The timeline for my projects started in 2021, where I first started to challenge myself in the world of computer programming. The rest follows like this:


  • 8th Grade - 2020-2021


  • 9th Grade - 2021-2022


First released on April 12th, 2021

The dialations project was the first project in this repository, and was me trying to both challenge myself and aid myself in my classes. This was my first independant, major python script, and the first final release turned out relatively well.

May of 2021 Patch:

Fixed problematic basic rounding that prevented over 6 character answers from being properly displayed. The program would truncate everything after 6 characters, which meant if you had a 7 characters answer, it would only show up as 6.

August 2021 Patch:

Improved code, as a lot of it was dated and/or was just bad programming habits


First Released April 14th, 2021

The trigonometry project was one of the harder math calculations projects because I started it without really knowing what I was doing as far as the math bit went, as well as the fact that the math was difficult to do at the time for me.


First Released April 16th, 2021

The radicals script was the last script I produced for my 8th grade math year, and was the first time I used A LOT of for loops. I learned a lot from this project and though being quite simplistic, is extremely useful.

Inverse Trigonometry

First Released June 16th, 2021

Major patch that reworks everything and added Inverse trig was made, which is based off the original script, but adds a lot, so it is a seperate release. It is also from a new school year, which is when my GSMST attendence starts.


First Released August 15th, 2021

Script to infinitely calculate the infinith number of pi.


First Released May 10th, 2021

The coinflip project was more complicated then it had to be because I added so many extra functions. This project was more of a test of my skill, rather than a project, but nonetheless was fun to work on and useful in improving my python skils.

August 2021 Patch:

As it was one of the very first things I ever made in python, there were a lot of blunders and mistakes that very low level programmers even don’t make. I fixed a decent portion of them in the Patch, and it is more efficient

Random String

First Released May 14th, 2021

I was inspired by a Youtube video to do this, mainly the veritasium video about Hilberts Hotel, in where he (Hilbert) has an infinite number of rooms and it deals with countable and uncountable infinities, but in this case I realized that I couldn’t calculate any hypertasks/supertasks inside of a computer, but that infinities are a meer idea. But anyways I pretty much made a system that infinitely generates all given possibilities of strings, infinite size, and the eventual goal was to proove you can make new infinite strings, but earlier said that binary computers cannot calculate things such as infinity. though, with quantum computing i’m sure something could be done about the problem.

Prime Numbers

First Released May 31st, 2021

Prime numbers was just a project I did to entertain myself, and work on more algorithmic, pythonic work. I haven’t really touched complex algorithms, nor pythonic work, but this was my shot at it. And so I tried doing it the ways I knew how to do it, which ended up crashing and burning. Since I didn’t know how to quite do it, I did a little research (and a little stack overflow) and figured out a algorithm that worked. Not a particlularly impressive one, but one that worked.


First Released July 27th, 2021

Tacos is just me and a couple friends having fun and trying to get a tacos script super small/efficient. Just type taco to see what it does.