Implementation of Caesar and Vigenère ciphers in Python.
Implementation of couple of well known Ciphers in Python.
Caesar and Vigenère Cipher.
Caesar Cipher, named after Julius Caesar, who used it to secretly communicate messages.
It’s a substitution Cipher that uses letter substitution to encrypt a string of text.
The Caesar Cipher works by taking a letter to be encrypted and shifting it a certain number of positions to the left or right in the alphabet.
Whichever letter is in that position is used as the encrypted character.
This same shift value is applied to all characters in the string.
The Vigenère Cipher is a polyalphabetic substitution Cipher.
To perform its encryption, it employs a different Caesar Cipher for each letter of the input text.
The Vigenère Cipher uses a keyword to determine which Caesar Cipher should be used to find the Cipher letter.