Extract classifications from the k10+ opac
Work in progress
The idea is to create a small flexible tool to extract library classifications (rvk, bkl, ddc, lcc) from the GVK Catalogue given a query (keyword, title, author etc…)
Sru address
The SRU protocol supports several output formats. This scritp works (at moment at least) only with the MODS format.
This is a personal project, created mostly for fun, to learn Go and to make some of my daily-tasks easier. It is not perfect at all
but feel free to play with the code or suggest me improvements. Install the code (with correctly installed GO environment) in your directory using
go get github.com/extract_classifications
Build the binary with
go build main.go
Play with it ;)
$ klassify_10.exe + parameters (at least -q):
-k query Key (bkl, tit, per, slw (default: all)
-q query String (the text to search)
-v verbose (bool) prints everything on the console, not recommended (debug purpose only)
-s save (bool) if true saves the retrieved xml and the json output files (default : false)
-n number of Results (integer) specifiers how many results will be printed on the console
-p path (string) which subdirectory of the current working directory will be used to save the files (works only if -s is set)
-m maxResult how many entries should be retrieved
Check loc.gov for a complete list of authority codes.
see test example
"lcc": {
"AG": 1,
"B": 2,
"B1-5802": 1,
"ddc": {
"000": 6,
"001": 1,
"001.51": 1,
"bisacsh": {},
"BISAC": {
"ART 043000": 1,
"ART015000": 2,
"ART015100": 1,
"bkl": {
"02.01": 3,
"02.02": 1,
"02.13": 4,
"rvk": {
"AK 18000": 2,
"AK 39500": 2,
"AK 39540": 1,
- $ go run main.go -k swl -q "Umberto Eco" -m 580
- 2021/01/28 16:21:14 GET https://sru.gbv.de/gvk?version=1.1&operation=searchRetrieve&query=pica.all=Umberto%20Eco&recordSchema=mods&maximumRecords=580
- Number of results: 580
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Printing the 5 most common Subject Headings for your query:
- Geschichte : 54
- Literatur : 39
- Semiotik : 28
- Criticism and interpretation : 27
- Kunst : 26
- 20th century : 25
- History and criticism : 24
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- The 7 most common Lcc classifications for your query
- PQ4865.C6 : 41
- PQ : 18
- PN : 10
- P99 : 7
- PN241 : 5
- D : 3
- BH81 : 3
- The 7 most common Ddc classifications for your query
- 850 : 40
- 853 : 24
- 800 : 19
- 850 B : 19
- 853.914 : 15
- 700 : 14
- 809 : 14
- The 7 most common BISAC classifications for your query
- LIT004200 : 2
- LIT006000 : 2
- LIT 006000 : 2
- LIT000000 : 2
- ART015000 : 2
- LIT 004200 : 2
- POL 019000 : 1
- The 7 most common Bkl classifications for your query
- 18.27 : 118
- 17.97 : 79
- 18.00 : 44
- 20.06 : 22
- 17.73 : 15
- 17.08 : 15
- 08.41 : 11
- The 7 most common Rvk classifications for your query
- IV 25480 : 108
- IV 25481 : 35
- LH 61040 : 15
- CC 6900 : 14
- AK 39580 : 8
- ER 730 : 8
- EC 1070 : 7
to download the xml from the web instead of loading it manually (or possibly leave both options open)
slw : "Umberto Eco AND Semiotik"