AMiRo Gazebo Models
The AMiRo robot model (tested with Ubuntu 16.04, ROS Kinetic, Gazebo 7.8)
)<amiro_robot path>/amiro_gazebo/models/
environment variableRviz (standalone visualization):
roslaunch amiro_description amiro_rviz.launch
roslaunch amiro_gazebo amiro_simple_world.launch
Project for line following:
roslaunch amiro_gazebo amiro_assembly_line_project.launch
Example of Moving the Robot:
rostopic pub -r 10 /amiro1/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist '{linear: {x: 0.1, y: 0.0, z: 0.0}, angular: {x: 0.0,y: 0.0,z: 0.0}}'
Example of teleoperation using ros-kinetic-turtlebot-teleop
rosrun turtlebot_teleop turtlebot_teleop_key _scale_linear:=0.1 _scale_angular:=0.2 turtlebot_teleop/cmd_vel:=amiro1/cmd_vel
All models can be loaded by including and parameterizing amiro.launch
Have a look on amiro_world.launch
, amiro_simple_world.launch
, or others.
: Common implementation. No sensors, but differential kinematic. All other models are derived from this model.amiro_basic.xacro
: Full implementation of RFID and proximity sensorsamiro_hokuyo.xacro
: AMiRo with Hokuyo URG 04-LX LiDARamiro_camera.xacro
: AMiRo with common embedded RGB cameraamiro_astra.xacro
: AMiRo Astra RGBD cameraamiro_hokuyo_cam.xacro
: AMiRo with Hokuyo URG 04-LX LiDAR and embedded cameraThe AMiRo uses special embedded sensors which are not included in Gazebo an therefore simulated by cameras or other sensors.
All sensor mockups start within the common amiro.launch
Make sure that in your world cast_shadows
and shadows
are false
(compare amiro_gazebo/worlds/
: Eight ring sensors, s.t. VCNL4020 proximity sensor values, of type amiro_msgs::UInt16MultiArrayStamped
: Four floor sensors, s.t. VCNL4020 proximity sensor values, of type amiro_msgs::UInt16MultiArrayStamped
: RFID tags in range/amiro<robot_id>/odom
: Ground truth odometry messagerostopic hz /amiro<robot_id>/proximity_floor_{0,1,2,3}/image_raw
rostopic hz /amiro<robot_id>/proximity_ring_{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7}/image_raw
The AMiRo uses VCNL4020 proximity sensors in its basic version to rectify the environment.
4 sensors pointing the floor and 8 arranged co-circular on the housing.
Here is a brief overview of sensor indices (F:Front, B:Back):
Top view of the AMiRo ring sensors and their indices:
/ 3F4 \
|2 5|
|1 6|
Top view of the AMiRo floor sensors and their indices:
/ 3F0 \
|2 1|
| |
It could happen the the AMiRo CAD model is missing in Rviz when using ROS Melodic as mentioned here.
This is related to this bug.
A simple, yet efective fix is setting the environment variable:
export LC_NUMERIC="en_US.UTF-8"
First generate an URDF file and then build the SDF from that:
rosrun xacro xacro --inorder -o model.urdf model.xacro
gz sdf -p model.urdf > model.sdf
You might be intrested, if the model was loaded in Gazebo with its proper paramters:
gz model -m <Your model name e.g. amiro1> -i
Adding a caster might be intuitive on the first sight, but becomes actually a pain for some reasons:
First, one is always eager to minimize the sum of joints to keep the model simple.
Thus, it is a wise idea to add a rigid sphere to the main body as proposed in 1 and 2.
Second, after that one has to set the friction and sliding parameters of the ODE physics simulator so that the sphere acts as an ideal caster.
This is actually the official way to go because it is even explained so in the official documentation 2, 3.
Unfortunately, the model which is designed in such a way don’t behave well.
In fact, the caster is more a bumper wich bumpes into the ground and stops the vehicle which can result in numerical problems while using some controllers.
Actualy, if one digs deeper you’ll find out that the friction parameters cannot not be set at all 4, 5, 6.
There is only a minimal hint in one answer where one says that friction for ODE is not implemented yet 7.
One solution to this dilemma is to use a sphere with a revolutional joint as caster to get rid of the bumpy behaviour.
However, the problem with that is that these are non-controlled joints (they are just simulated by Gazebo) and thus, Rviz reports an tf error 8.
Assuming that you have installed ROS Kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04, you can go to the Gazebo install page and follow the step-by-step instruction. Do not install gazebo8, but upgrade gazebo7 via:
sudo apt-get install gazebo7