AngularJS Eclipse插件
AngularJS Eclipse Plugin extends Eclipse WTP to :
AngularJS Eclipse is based on to manage powerful completion on HTML files (AngularsJS Expression, directive, modules) and Javascripts files (see Tern Eclipse IDE)
If you start with AngularJS Eclipse, please read Getting Started.
AngularJS Eclipse is developed/tested with Eclipse 4.4 Luna. It is advised to use Eclipse 4.4 Luna (even if AngularJS Eclipse could work with older version of Eclipse).
To install AngularJS Eclipse, please read Installation - Update Site section.
Before opening your HTML files (to benefit with angular highlight, completion, hover, validation), you must convert your project to AngularJS Project :
After that, you can open your HTML with standard WTP HTML, JSP Editor.
You will see that AngularJS directive + EL are highlighted, completion is available for directive name :
After configuring tern server, completions, hover, validation, hyperlink are available for modules, controllers, angular expression EL :
See HTML features for more informations.
See Javascript features and Tern Eclipse IDE for more informations.
AngularJS Eclipse is build with this cloudbees job.