项目作者: SykoTheKiD

项目描述 :
A Docker setup for a Django REST API with Travis CI support
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/SykoTheKiD/DockerDjangoRest.git
创建时间: 2016-05-19T17:36:15Z



Django REST Application in Docker with Continuous Integration


  • Python 2.X and Python 3.X
  • PostgreSQL
  • Unicorn
  • Nginx
  • Travis CI Integration


  1. In the docker-compose.yml file in the app section under command enter your Django project name
  2. In the .env file enter your Django project’s secret key under secret key
  3. Place the entire contents of your Django project inside the app/ folder
  4. In the Dockerfile inside the app/ directory if you are using Python 3 uncomment the FROM python:3-onbuild command and comment out the FROM python:2-onbuild we are using the onbuild version so it will automatically load the requirements.txt file
  5. If you have a requirements.txt file append the contents of the requirements.txt in this project to yours.
  6. In your settings.py file replace your
    • SECRET KEY with os.environ['SECRET_KEY']
    • DEBUG with True if os.getenv('DEBUG') == 'true' else False
  1. In the DATABASES section of settings.py replace your
    • NAME with os.environ['DB_NAME']
    • USER with os.environ['DB_USER']
    • PASSWORD with os.environ['DB_PASS']
    • HOST with os.environ['DB_HOST']
    • PORT with os.environ['DB_PORT']

You have made your Django project get the database and secret key data from the environment variables which are defined in the .env file from earlier.

  1. Add '*'as one of your hosts in ALLOWED_HOSTS (don’t know if this is needed, had to do this to get it to work on my machine)

Travis CI Setup

  1. Insert your Django project SECRET_KEY between the quotes under the env section
  2. Enter a name for your database under DB_NAME and the same name inside the psql command under before_script

Docker Deployment

  1. Run docker-compose build
  2. After building run docker-compose up
  3. In your browser go to your docker machine’s IP address and you should see your app
  4. If the CSS isn’t loading run docker-compose run app /usr/local/bin/python manage.py collectstatic and then reload