项目作者: Gerardo-S

项目描述 :
Display a live five day forecast from city of choice.
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/Gerardo-S/5-Day_Forecast.git
创建时间: 2020-09-22T02:53:35Z



5-Day Forecast


A convenient weather app using OpenWeather’s free API to display a live five day forecast. User searches by city location and the corresponding weather will appear with city name, user request date, temperature, humidity, etc.


Layout design was created using Bootstraps grid layout.

Current Functions:

User is able to search for desired city and submit a request for the weather.
Upon submission user history will be displayed as a list.
Weather details will appear along with a 5-day forecast.


Application was designed to show a five day forecast; however, the url used from openWeather displays the temperature based on three hour intervals. For the next iteration forecast will display weather as a daily forecast not an hourly forecast.

Search bar results currently remain displayed after user submits for request. To improve user satisfaction previous searches shall be removed once a search request is conducted.

Data currently does not remain stored once page is refreshed. Future iteration shall include search items in local storage for ease of access.

Javascript code can be simplified using loops to remove repetitive code.


Landing page with weather app

Link to deployed page:



License: MIT