项目作者: circuit

项目描述 :
Official node-red extension for the Circuit SDK (circuit-sdk)
高级语言: HTML
项目地址: git://github.com/circuit/node-red-contrib-circuit.git
创建时间: 2016-12-22T11:06:44Z




This node-red-contrib-circuit is simple Node-Red git ui that allows you to easily integrate the functionality of the circuit sdk into your applications using node-red.



Requires Node-Red version 0.18.7 or more recent.

Requires a https://circuitsandbox.net account with a bot to host the application with OAuth client_credentials.


Make sure you have NodeRed installed on your machine, if not you can install it by running the below command.

$ npm install -g --unsafe-perm node-red

Then you can start node-red by typing node-red in the command lind. More information on node-red can be found

at the node-red github here.

Installing node-red-contrib-circuit

Either install via pallette or via “npm install”.

$ npm install node-red-contrib-circuit

Run the following command for global install.

$ npm install -g node-red-contrib-circuit

Getting started

  1. Install both node-red and node-red-contrib-circuit as displayed above.
  2. Once both packages are installed you will need a bot with OAuth client_credentials to run your application with.

    You can go here and follow the instructions to obtain your credentials.
  3. Start node-red by typing $ node-red into the command line and wait for the server to be loaded. After node-red is running you should be able to go to localhost:1880 to view your node-red server. If the node-red-contrib-circuit has been installed properly you should be able to scroll through your nodes and view the available API nodes to use.
  4. Once everything else is working you can follow the instructions in the Usage section.


  5. Select node with API functionality you desire.
  6. Enter the circuit-server information needed for bot, such as: client_id, client_secret, domain.
  7. Additional information on circuit client can be found at: https://github.com/circuit/circuit-sdk.


    You can easily make applications using node-red and integrate them with our node-red-contrib-circuit API nodes. If you go here you can find an example flow that creates a bot to listen to a conversation and will send requests to look up weather, define words, and tell you jokes.


    Under development…