CiviCRM Proximus SMS extension
Proximus CiviCRM integration: allows delivering SMS messages to mobile phone users through Proximus API.
You can directly clone to your CiviCRM extension directory using$ git clone
You can also download a zip file, and extract in your extension directory$ git clone
Configure CiviCRM Extensions Directory which can be done from"Administer -> System Settings -> Directories".
Configure Extension Resource URL which can be done from"Administer -> System Settings -> Resource URLs".
The next step is enabling the extension which can be done from"Administer -> System Settings -> Manage CiviCRM Extensions".
"Administer -> System Settings -> SMS Providers"
or Parameter | Value | Required |
Name | Proximus | |
Title | Proximus | |
Username | Proximus | |
Password | [Enter Proximus API key] | * |
API Type | http | |
API Url | | * |
API Parameters | {} |
Make sure you have configured the Send Scheduled SMS Scheduled Job.
To configure scheduled jobs, go to "Administer > System Settings > Scheduled Jobs"