项目作者: tum-gis

项目描述 :
r:trån is a road space model transformer library for OpenDRIVE, CityGML and beyond
高级语言: Kotlin
项目地址: git://github.com/tum-gis/rtron.git
创建时间: 2020-04-23T08:37:58Z

开源协议:Apache License 2.0


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a road space model transformer library for OpenDRIVE, CityGML and beyond

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r:trån reads road network models in OpenDRIVE and transforms them to the virtual 3D city model standard CityGML.

This enables you to

:inbox_tray: Datasets

Download some sample OpenDRIVE datasets of the city of Ingolstadt from the company 3D Mapping Solutions (initial registration required).
Additionally, awesome-openx provides a list of further OpenDRIVE datasets.

:rocket: Usage

In order to use r:trån you need JDK 11 or later.
Download the prebuilt JAR executable from the releases section and make sure that you have at least a JVM 11.
Run r:trån to …

  1. # … validate OpenDRIVE datasets
  2. java -jar rtron.jar validate-opendrive ./input-opendrive ./output-reports
  3. # … transform OpenDRIVE datasets to CityGML
  4. java -jar rtron.jar opendrive-to-citygml ./input-opendrive ./output-citygml

R:trån recursively iterates over your OpenDRIVE input datasets and creates the same directory structure for the output folder.

:construction_worker: Building

Clone the repo and let gradle build it:

  1. ./gradlew shadowJar # build the uber-jar
  2. cd rtron-cli/build/libs
  3. java -jar rtron-*.jar

You’re good to go :muscle:

:hammer_and_wrench: Contributing

r:trån was developed so that everyone can benefit from spatio-semantic road space models.
Therefore, bug fixes, issue reports and contributions are greatly appreciated.

:mortar_board: Research

The software r:trån can be cited using the DOI.

If you use this software, please cite one of the supplemental research articles:

These papers may also be of interest:

:memo: License

r:trån is distributed under the Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE for more information.

:handshake: Thanks