项目作者: astog

项目描述 :
Better Espionage Screen - Civilization VI
高级语言: Lua
项目地址: git://github.com/astog/BES.git
创建时间: 2017-02-25T22:21:53Z




This is my third UI mod (after Better Trade Screen and More Lenses). The main purpose is similiar to the other two, to add Quality of Life features and improve the Civlization VI UI. Here the Espionage Screens are overhauled to reduce the number of clicks and find the right information quickly.

Main Features

Disctrict Filter Options

Allows you to filter the cities based on their districts. So for example you wanted to select a city with Spaceport and Industrial Disctrict, check both their respective checkboxes, and any cities that do not have those districts will be hidden.

You can also filter based on civilizations.

Espionage Overiew

Mission List

Mission list is shown as a side screen, rather than replacing the destination list.

Espionage Mission Chooser


Just extract the mod to your Mods folder. For most users it is located here:

  1. Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Mods


NOTE CQUI USERS: This mod is already integrated into CQUI, and requires no extra installation.

This mod is compatible with most mods out there. Special attention needs to paid to UI mods. Any mod that edits the following files will not be compatible:

  1. EspionageSupport.lua
  2. EspionageOverview.lua
  3. EspionageOverview.xml
  4. EspionageChooser.lua
  5. EspionageChooser.xml