项目作者: storj-thirdparty

项目描述 :
cPanel connector to the Storj protocol; use this to backup your data to the leading decentralized storage network.
高级语言: Go
项目地址: git://github.com/storj-thirdparty/connector-cpanel.git
创建时间: 2020-05-25T21:06:22Z

开源协议:Apache License 2.0


Codacy Badge
Go Report Card
Cloud Build


The cPanel Connector connects to a cPanel server, takes a backup of the specified files and uploads the backup data on Storj network.

  1. Usage:
  2. connector-cpanel [command] <flags>
  3. Available Commands:
  4. help Help about any command
  5. store Command to upload data to a Storj V3 network.
  6. version Prints the version of the tool

store - Connect to the specified cpanel (default: cpanel_property.json). Back-up of the cpanel is generated using tooling provided by cpanel and then uploaded to the Storj network. Connect to a Storj v3 network using the access specified in the Storj configuration file (default: storj_config.json).

The following flags can be used with the store command:

  • accesskey - Connects to the Storj network using a serialized access key instead of an API key, satellite url and encryption passphrase.
  • shared - Generates a restricted shareable serialized access with the restrictions specified in the Storj configuration file.

Sample configuration files are provided in the ./config folder.

Requirements and Install

To build from scratch, install the latest Go.

Note: Ensure go modules are enabled (GO111MODULE=on)

Option #1: clone this repo (most common)

To clone the repo

  1. git clone https://github.com/storj-thirdparty/connector-cpanel.git

Then, build the project using the following:

  1. cd connector-cpanel
  2. go build

Option #2: go get into your gopath

To download the project inside your GOPATH use the following command:

  1. go get github.com/storj-thirdparty/connector-cpanel

Upload executable files on server

Place the executable file along with configuration files to the user’s home directory.

Run (short version)

Once you have built the project run the following commands as per your requirement:

Get help
  1. $ ./connector-cpanel --help
Check version
  1. $ ./connector-cpanel --version
Create backup from cPanel and upload to Storj
  1. $ ./connector-cpanel store
