Web app for Center of Puppetry Arts' Puppet Archive
Can be run locally using any web server of your choice. A simple way is to run the following command in the project directory.
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer
The web app can now be viewed in any modern browser at http://localhost:8000
The website is made dynamic through the use of a json file(data.json). The json file corresponds to a json array of puppets in the archive.
To add/modify any data, the said json file needs to be updated.
Simply replace the following blob with the appropriate contents and add it to data.json.
"name":"Puppet Name",
"description":"Puppet Description goes here",
"images":["./path/to/image.jpg", "./path/to/another/image.jpg"],
{ "key":"Accession Number", "value":"someValue"},
{ "key":"Collector", "value":"someValue"},
{ "key":"Artist", "value":"someValue"},
{ "key":"Category", "value":"someValue"},
{ "key":"Subcategory Othername", "value":"someValue"},
{ "key":"Received as", "value":"someValue"},
{ "key":"Accession date", "value":"someValue"},
{ "key":"Cataloged by", "value":"someValue"},
{ "key":"Catalog date", "value":"someValue"},
{ "key":"Source", "value":"someValue"},
{ "key":"Credit Line", "value":"someValue"},
{ "key":"Home loc", "value":"someValue"},
{ "key":"Year Range", "value":"someValue"},
{ "key":"Height", "value":"someValue"},
{ "key":"Width", "value":"someValue"},
{ "key":"Depth", "value":"someValue"},
{ "key":"Material", "value":"someValue"},
{ "key":"Condition", "value":"someValue"},
{ "key":"Condition by", "value":"someValue"},
{ "key":"Condition Date", "value":"someValue"},
{ "key":"Condition Notes", "value":"someValue"},
{ "key":"Current Value Min", "value":"someValue"},
{ "key":"Current Value Min", "value":"someValue"}
"dataUrl": "unity/file.data",
"codeUrl": "unity/file.js",
"asmUrl": "unity/file.asm.js",
"memUrl": "unity/file.mem"
Developed by: Tanmay Binaykiya