项目作者: royto

项目描述 :
Kalliope neuron for The Movie Db
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/royto/kalliope_neuron_movie_db.git
创建时间: 2017-03-27T20:37:33Z

开源协议:MIT License


The Movie Db


This neuron allows you to query The Movie DB API to

  • get info about a MOVIE.
  • get info about a PEOPLE.
  • get list of Popular Movies
  • get list of Top rated Movies
  • get list of upcoming movies
  • get list of playing now movies
  • get info about a TV Show
  • get list of popular TV Shows
  • get list of Top rated TV Shows
  • get list of latest TV Shows
  • get info about a TV Show Season
  • get info about a TV Show Episode


  1. kalliope install --git-url https://github.com/royto/kalliope_neuron_movie_db.git



Each of them requires specific options, return values and synapses


parameter required type default choices comment
action YES String None MOVIE Defines the action type
api_key YES String None The API Key
movie YES String None The movie to search for
language NO String en-US The language as ISO 639-1 code
movie_extra NO String None extra data about the movie
Return Values
Name Description Type sample
movie Information about the 1st movie matching query Object see get details schema
Synapses example
  1. - name: "search-movie"
  2. signals:
  3. - order: "search for Movie {{ movie}}"
  4. neurons:
  5. - movie_db:
  6. api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY"
  7. action: "MOVIE"
  8. language: "fr"
  9. movie_extra: "credits"
  10. file_template: templates/movie_db_movie.j2
  11. movie: "{{ movie }}"

The template defined in the templates/movie_db_movie.j2

  1. {% if movie is defined %}
  2. {{ movie["title"] }}, is a film released on {{ movie["release_date"][:4] }}.
  3. {{ movie["title"] }} is a movie of {{ movie["genres"]|map(attribute='name')|join(', ') }}
  4. Synopsis :
  5. {{ movie["overview"] }}
  6. {% if movie['credits'] is defined %}
  7. {% set actors = movie['credits']['cast'] %}
  8. Main actors are: {{ actors[:5]|map(attribute='name')|join(', ') }}
  9. {% endif %}
  10. {% else %}
  11. No movie found
  12. {% endif %}


parameter required type default choices comment
action YES String None PEOPLE Defines the action type
api_key YES String None The API Key
language NO String en-US The language as ISO 639-1 code
people YES String None The people to search for
Return Values
Name Description Type sample
people Information about the 1st people matching query Object see get search person schema
Synapses example
  1. - name: "movie-people"
  2. signals:
  3. - order: "get Info about actor {{ people }}"
  4. - order: "get Info about actress {{ people }}"
  5. - order: "get Info about director {{ people }}"
  6. neurons:
  7. - movie_db:
  8. api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY"
  9. action: "PEOPLE"
  10. language: "fr"
  11. say_template:
  12. - "{{ name }}, born {{ birthday }} at {{place_of_birth }}, {{ biography }}, known for {{ known_for[:5]|map(attribute='title')|join(', ') }} "
  13. people: "{{ people }}"
parameter required type default choices comment
action YES String None POPULAR Defines the action type
api_key YES String None The API Key
language NO String en-US The language as ISO 639-1 code
Return Values

see get popular movies response schema

Name Description Type sample
result List of popular movies List
Synapses example
  1. - name: "popular-movie"
  2. signals:
  3. - order: "what are popular movies"
  4. neurons:
  5. - movie_db:
  6. api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY"
  7. action: "POPULAR"
  8. language: "en"
  9. file_template: templates/movie_db_popular.j2

The template defined in the templates/movie_db_popular.j2

  1. List of popular movies :
  2. {% for movie in results %}
  3. {{ movie['title'] }}
  4. {% endfor %}


parameter required type default choices comment
action YES String None TOP_RATED Defines the action type
api_key YES String None The API Key
language NO String en-US The language as ISO 639-1 code
Return Values

see get top rated movies response schema

Name Description Type sample
result List of top rated movies List
Synapses example
  1. - name: "top-rated-movie"
  2. signals:
  3. - order: "what are the top rated movies"
  4. neurons:
  5. - movie_db:
  6. api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY"
  7. action: "TOP_RATED"
  8. language: "en"
  9. file_template: templates/movie_db_top_rated.j2

The template defined in the templates/movie_db_top_rated.j2

  1. List of top rated movies :
  2. {% for movie in results %}
  3. {{ movie['title'] }}
  4. {% endfor %}


parameter required type default choices comment
action YES String None UPCOMING Defines the action type
api_key YES String None The API Key
language NO String en-US The language as ISO 639-1 code
region NO String None The region as ISO 3166-1 code to filter release dates.
Return Values

see get upcoming movies response schema

Name Description Type sample
result List of upcoming movies List
Synapses example
  1. - name: "upcoming-movie"
  2. signals:
  3. - order: "what are upcoming movies"
  4. neurons:
  5. - movie_db:
  6. api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY"
  7. action: "UPCOMING"
  8. language: "fr"
  9. region: "FR"
  10. file_template: templates/movie_db_upcoming.j2

The template defined in the templates/movie_db_upcoming.j2

  1. List of upcoming movies :
  2. {% for movie in results %}
  3. {{ movie['title'] }}
  4. {% endfor %}


parameter required type default choices comment
action YES String None NOW_PLAYING Defines the action type
api_key YES String None The API Key
language NO String en-US The language as ISO 639-1 code
region NO String None The region as ISO 3166-1 code to filter release dates.
Return Values

see get now playing movies response schema

Name Description Type sample
result List of now playing movies List
Synapses example
  1. - name: "now-playing-movie"
  2. signals:
  3. - order: "what are the movies played now"
  4. neurons:
  5. - movie_db:
  6. api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY"
  7. action: "NOW_PLAYING"
  8. language: "fr"
  9. region: "FR"
  10. file_template: templates/movie_db_now_playing.j2

The template defined in the templates/movie_db_now_playing.j2

  1. List of movies played now:
  2. {% for movie in results %}
  3. {{ movie['title'] }}
  4. {% endfor %}


parameter required type default choices comment
action YES String None TV Defines the action type
api_key YES String None The API Key
tv YES String None The TV Show to search for
language NO String en-US The language as ISO 639-1 code
tv_extra NO String None extra data about the tv
Return Values
Name Description Type sample
tv Information about the 1st TV Show matching query Object see get details schema
Synapses example
  1. - name: "search-tv"
  2. signals:
  3. - order: "search for TV Show {{ tv }}"
  4. neurons:
  5. - movie_db:
  6. api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY"
  7. action: "TV"
  8. language: "fr"
  9. tv_extra: "credits"
  10. file_template: templates/tv_db_movie.j2
  11. tv: "{{ tv }}"

The template defined in the templates/tv_db_movie.j2

  1. {% if tv is defined %}
  2. {{ tv["name"] }}, is a TV Show of {{ tv["number_of_episodes"] }} on {{ tv["number_of_seasons"] }} seasons.
  3. {{ tv["name"] }} is a TV Show of {{ tv["genres"]|map(attribute='name')|join(', ') }}
  4. Synopsis :
  5. {{ tv["overview"] }}
  6. {% if tv['credits'] is defined %}
  7. {% set actors = tv['credits']['cast'] %}
  8. Main actors are: {{ actors[:5]|map(attribute='name')|join(', ') }}
  9. {% endif %}
  10. {% else %}
  11. No TV Show found
  12. {% endif %}
parameter required type default choices comment
action YES String None TV_POPULAR Defines the action type
api_key YES String None The API Key
language NO String en-US The language as ISO 639-1 code
Return Values

see get popular tv response schema

Name Description Type sample
result List of popular TV Show List
Synapses example
  1. - name: "popular-tv"
  2. signals:
  3. - order: "What are popular tv shows"
  4. neurons:
  5. - movie_db:
  6. api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY"
  7. action: "TV_POPULAR"
  8. language: "en"
  9. file_template: templates/movie_db_tv_popular.j2

The template defined in the templates/movie_db_tv_popular.j2

  1. List of popular TV Shows :
  2. {% for tv in results %}
  3. {{ tv['name'] }}
  4. {% endfor %}


parameter required type default choices comment
action YES String None TV_TOP_RATED Defines the action type
api_key YES String None The API Key
language NO String en-US The language as ISO 639-1 code
Return Values

see get top rated tv response schema

Name Description Type sample
result List of top rated TV Show List
Synapses example
  1. - name: "top-rated-tv"
  2. signals:
  3. - order: "What are top rated Tv shows"
  4. neurons:
  5. - movie_db:
  6. api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY"
  7. action: "TV_TOP_RATED"
  8. language: "fr"
  9. file_template: templates/movie_db_tv_top_rated.j2

The template defined in the templates/movie_db_tv_top_rated.j2

  1. List of top rated TV Shows :
  2. {% for tv in results %}
  3. {{ tv['name'] }}
  4. {% endfor %}


parameter required type default choices comment
action YES String None TV_LATEST Defines the action type
api_key YES String None The API Key
language NO String en-US The language as ISO 639-1 code
Return Values

see get latest tv response schema

Name Description Type sample
result List of most newly created TV show List
Synapses example
  1. - name: "latest-tv"
  2. signals:
  3. - order: "What are the most newly created TV show"
  4. neurons:
  5. - movie_db:
  6. api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY"
  7. action: "TV_LATEST"
  8. language: "fr"
  9. file_template: templates/movie_db_tv_latest.j2

The template defined in the templates/movie_db_tv_latest.j2

  1. Latest TV Show: {{ name }}


parameter required type default choices comment
action YES String None TV Defines the action type
api_key YES String None The API Key
tv YES String None The TV Show to search for
tv_season YES Int None The TV Show season to search for
language NO String en-US The language as ISO 639-1 code
tv_extra NO String None extra data about the tv
Return Values

see get tv season details response schema

Name Description Type sample
query List of parameters (Tv, season) Object
tv Info about TV Show Object
season Info about TV Show Season Object
Synapses example
  1. - name: "tv-season"
  2. signals:
  3. - order: "Info about season {{ tv_season }} of {{ tv }}"
  4. neurons:
  5. - movie_db:
  6. api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY"
  7. action: "TV_SEASON"
  8. language: "fr"
  9. file_template: templates/movie_db_tv_season.j2
  10. tv: "{{ tv }}"
  11. tv_season: "{{ tv_season }}"

The template defined in the templates/movie_db_tv_season.j2

  1. {% if tv is defined %}
  2. {% if season is defined %}
  3. Season {{ query["season"] }} of {{ query["tv"] }} : {{ season["name"] }}.
  4. Overview : {{ season["overview"] }}
  5. Name of {{ season["episodes"] }} episodes:
  6. {% for episode in season["episodes"] %}
  7. Episode {{ episode["episode_number"] }}: {{ episode["name"] }}
  8. {% endfor %}
  9. {% else %}
  10. Season {{ query["season"] }} of {{ query["tv"] }} not found
  11. {% endif %}
  12. {% else %}
  13. Tv Show {{ query["tv"] }} not found
  14. {% endif %}


parameter required type default choices comment
action YES String None TV Defines the action type
api_key YES String None The API Key
tv YES String None The movie to search for
tv_season YES Int None The TV Show season to search for
tv_episode YES Int None The TV Show episode to search for
language NO String en-US The language as ISO 639-1 code
tv_extra NO String None extra data about the tv
Return Values

see get tv episode details response schema

Name Description Type sample
query List of parameters (Tv, season, episode) Object
tv Info about TV Show Object
episode Info about TV Show Episode Object
Synapses example
  1. - name: "tv-episode"
  2. signals:
  3. - order: "Info about episode {{ tv_episode }} of season {{ tv_season }} of {{ tv }}"
  4. neurons:
  5. - movie_db:
  6. api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY"
  7. action: "TV_SEASON"
  8. language: "fr"
  9. file_template: templates/movie_db_tv_episode.j2
  10. tv: "{{ tv }}"
  11. tv_season: "{{ tv_season }}"
  12. tv_episode: "{{ tv_episode }}"

The template defined in the templates/movie_db_tv_episode.j2

  1. {% if tv is defined %}
  2. {% if episode is defined %}
  3. Episode {{ query["episode"] }} of season {{ query["season"] }} of {{ query["tv"] }} : {{ episode["name"] }}.
  4. Overview: {{ episode["overview"] }}
  5. {% else %}
  6. Episode {{ query["episode"] }} of season {{ query["season"] }} of {{ query["tv"] }} not found
  7. {% endif %}
  8. {% else %}
  9. TV Show {{ query["tv"] }} not found
  10. {% endif %}


In order to be able to query The Movie Db API, you need to get a api Key.

How to get your The Movie Db Api Key

  1. Create a Movie Db account
  2. Connect to your account
  3. Go to API in the menu
  4. Create a request for developer api key
  5. Accept licence agreement
  6. Fill information about application

See Getting Started for more information.