Kalliope neuron for The Movie Db
This neuron allows you to query The Movie DB API to
kalliope install --git-url https://github.com/royto/kalliope_neuron_movie_db.git
The Movie Db Neuron has multiple available actions : MOVIE, PEOPLE
, TV
Each of them requires specific options, return values and synapses
parameter | required | type | default | choices | comment |
action | YES | String | None | MOVIE | Defines the action type |
api_key | YES | String | None | The API Key | |
movie | YES | String | None | The movie to search for | |
language | NO | String | en-US | The language as ISO 639-1 code | |
movie_extra | NO | String | None | extra data about the movie |
Name | Description | Type | sample |
movie | Information about the 1st movie matching query | Object | see get details schema |
- name: "search-movie"
- order: "search for Movie {{ movie}}"
- movie_db:
api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY"
action: "MOVIE"
language: "fr"
movie_extra: "credits"
file_template: templates/movie_db_movie.j2
movie: "{{ movie }}"
The template defined in the templates/movie_db_movie.j2
{% if movie is defined %}
{{ movie["title"] }}, is a film released on {{ movie["release_date"][:4] }}.
{{ movie["title"] }} is a movie of {{ movie["genres"]|map(attribute='name')|join(', ') }}
Synopsis :
{{ movie["overview"] }}
{% if movie['credits'] is defined %}
{% set actors = movie['credits']['cast'] %}
Main actors are: {{ actors[:5]|map(attribute='name')|join(', ') }}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
No movie found
{% endif %}
parameter | required | type | default | choices | comment |
action | YES | String | None | PEOPLE | Defines the action type |
api_key | YES | String | None | The API Key | |
language | NO | String | en-US | The language as ISO 639-1 code | |
people | YES | String | None | The people to search for |
Name | Description | Type | sample |
people | Information about the 1st people matching query | Object | see get search person schema |
- name: "movie-people"
- order: "get Info about actor {{ people }}"
- order: "get Info about actress {{ people }}"
- order: "get Info about director {{ people }}"
- movie_db:
api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY"
action: "PEOPLE"
language: "fr"
- "{{ name }}, born {{ birthday }} at {{place_of_birth }}, {{ biography }}, known for {{ known_for[:5]|map(attribute='title')|join(', ') }} "
people: "{{ people }}"
parameter | required | type | default | choices | comment |
action | YES | String | None | POPULAR | Defines the action type |
api_key | YES | String | None | The API Key | |
language | NO | String | en-US | The language as ISO 639-1 code |
see get popular movies response schema
Name | Description | Type | sample |
result | List of popular movies | List |
- name: "popular-movie"
- order: "what are popular movies"
- movie_db:
api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY"
action: "POPULAR"
language: "en"
file_template: templates/movie_db_popular.j2
The template defined in the templates/movie_db_popular.j2
List of popular movies :
{% for movie in results %}
{{ movie['title'] }}
{% endfor %}
parameter | required | type | default | choices | comment |
action | YES | String | None | TOP_RATED | Defines the action type |
api_key | YES | String | None | The API Key | |
language | NO | String | en-US | The language as ISO 639-1 code |
see get top rated movies response schema
Name | Description | Type | sample |
result | List of top rated movies | List |
- name: "top-rated-movie"
- order: "what are the top rated movies"
- movie_db:
api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY"
action: "TOP_RATED"
language: "en"
file_template: templates/movie_db_top_rated.j2
The template defined in the templates/movie_db_top_rated.j2
List of top rated movies :
{% for movie in results %}
{{ movie['title'] }}
{% endfor %}
parameter | required | type | default | choices | comment |
action | YES | String | None | UPCOMING | Defines the action type |
api_key | YES | String | None | The API Key | |
language | NO | String | en-US | The language as ISO 639-1 code | |
region | NO | String | None | The region as ISO 3166-1 code to filter release dates. |
see get upcoming movies response schema
Name | Description | Type | sample |
result | List of upcoming movies | List |
- name: "upcoming-movie"
- order: "what are upcoming movies"
- movie_db:
api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY"
action: "UPCOMING"
language: "fr"
region: "FR"
file_template: templates/movie_db_upcoming.j2
The template defined in the templates/movie_db_upcoming.j2
List of upcoming movies :
{% for movie in results %}
{{ movie['title'] }}
{% endfor %}
parameter | required | type | default | choices | comment |
action | YES | String | None | NOW_PLAYING | Defines the action type |
api_key | YES | String | None | The API Key | |
language | NO | String | en-US | The language as ISO 639-1 code | |
region | NO | String | None | The region as ISO 3166-1 code to filter release dates. |
see get now playing movies response schema
Name | Description | Type | sample |
result | List of now playing movies | List |
- name: "now-playing-movie"
- order: "what are the movies played now"
- movie_db:
api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY"
action: "NOW_PLAYING"
language: "fr"
region: "FR"
file_template: templates/movie_db_now_playing.j2
The template defined in the templates/movie_db_now_playing.j2
List of movies played now:
{% for movie in results %}
{{ movie['title'] }}
{% endfor %}
parameter | required | type | default | choices | comment |
action | YES | String | None | TV | Defines the action type |
api_key | YES | String | None | The API Key | |
tv | YES | String | None | The TV Show to search for | |
language | NO | String | en-US | The language as ISO 639-1 code | |
tv_extra | NO | String | None | extra data about the tv |
Name | Description | Type | sample |
tv | Information about the 1st TV Show matching query | Object | see get details schema |
- name: "search-tv"
- order: "search for TV Show {{ tv }}"
- movie_db:
api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY"
action: "TV"
language: "fr"
tv_extra: "credits"
file_template: templates/tv_db_movie.j2
tv: "{{ tv }}"
The template defined in the templates/tv_db_movie.j2
{% if tv is defined %}
{{ tv["name"] }}, is a TV Show of {{ tv["number_of_episodes"] }} on {{ tv["number_of_seasons"] }} seasons.
{{ tv["name"] }} is a TV Show of {{ tv["genres"]|map(attribute='name')|join(', ') }}
Synopsis :
{{ tv["overview"] }}
{% if tv['credits'] is defined %}
{% set actors = tv['credits']['cast'] %}
Main actors are: {{ actors[:5]|map(attribute='name')|join(', ') }}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
No TV Show found
{% endif %}
parameter | required | type | default | choices | comment |
action | YES | String | None | TV_POPULAR | Defines the action type |
api_key | YES | String | None | The API Key | |
language | NO | String | en-US | The language as ISO 639-1 code |
see get popular tv response schema
Name | Description | Type | sample |
result | List of popular TV Show | List |
- name: "popular-tv"
- order: "What are popular tv shows"
- movie_db:
api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY"
action: "TV_POPULAR"
language: "en"
file_template: templates/movie_db_tv_popular.j2
The template defined in the templates/movie_db_tv_popular.j2
List of popular TV Shows :
{% for tv in results %}
{{ tv['name'] }}
{% endfor %}
parameter | required | type | default | choices | comment |
action | YES | String | None | TV_TOP_RATED | Defines the action type |
api_key | YES | String | None | The API Key | |
language | NO | String | en-US | The language as ISO 639-1 code |
see get top rated tv response schema
Name | Description | Type | sample |
result | List of top rated TV Show | List |
- name: "top-rated-tv"
- order: "What are top rated Tv shows"
- movie_db:
api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY"
action: "TV_TOP_RATED"
language: "fr"
file_template: templates/movie_db_tv_top_rated.j2
The template defined in the templates/movie_db_tv_top_rated.j2
List of top rated TV Shows :
{% for tv in results %}
{{ tv['name'] }}
{% endfor %}
parameter | required | type | default | choices | comment |
action | YES | String | None | TV_LATEST | Defines the action type |
api_key | YES | String | None | The API Key | |
language | NO | String | en-US | The language as ISO 639-1 code |
see get latest tv response schema
Name | Description | Type | sample |
result | List of most newly created TV show | List |
- name: "latest-tv"
- order: "What are the most newly created TV show"
- movie_db:
api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY"
action: "TV_LATEST"
language: "fr"
file_template: templates/movie_db_tv_latest.j2
The template defined in the templates/movie_db_tv_latest.j2
Latest TV Show: {{ name }}
parameter | required | type | default | choices | comment |
action | YES | String | None | TV | Defines the action type |
api_key | YES | String | None | The API Key | |
tv | YES | String | None | The TV Show to search for | |
tv_season | YES | Int | None | The TV Show season to search for | |
language | NO | String | en-US | The language as ISO 639-1 code | |
tv_extra | NO | String | None | extra data about the tv |
see get tv season details response schema
Name | Description | Type | sample |
query | List of parameters (Tv, season) | Object | |
tv | Info about TV Show | Object | |
season | Info about TV Show Season | Object |
- name: "tv-season"
- order: "Info about season {{ tv_season }} of {{ tv }}"
- movie_db:
api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY"
action: "TV_SEASON"
language: "fr"
file_template: templates/movie_db_tv_season.j2
tv: "{{ tv }}"
tv_season: "{{ tv_season }}"
The template defined in the templates/movie_db_tv_season.j2
{% if tv is defined %}
{% if season is defined %}
Season {{ query["season"] }} of {{ query["tv"] }} : {{ season["name"] }}.
Overview : {{ season["overview"] }}
Name of {{ season["episodes"] }} episodes:
{% for episode in season["episodes"] %}
Episode {{ episode["episode_number"] }}: {{ episode["name"] }}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
Season {{ query["season"] }} of {{ query["tv"] }} not found
{% endif %}
{% else %}
Tv Show {{ query["tv"] }} not found
{% endif %}
parameter | required | type | default | choices | comment |
action | YES | String | None | TV | Defines the action type |
api_key | YES | String | None | The API Key | |
tv | YES | String | None | The movie to search for | |
tv_season | YES | Int | None | The TV Show season to search for | |
tv_episode | YES | Int | None | The TV Show episode to search for | |
language | NO | String | en-US | The language as ISO 639-1 code | |
tv_extra | NO | String | None | extra data about the tv |
see get tv episode details response schema
Name | Description | Type | sample |
query | List of parameters (Tv, season, episode) | Object | |
tv | Info about TV Show | Object | |
episode | Info about TV Show Episode | Object |
- name: "tv-episode"
- order: "Info about episode {{ tv_episode }} of season {{ tv_season }} of {{ tv }}"
- movie_db:
api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY"
action: "TV_SEASON"
language: "fr"
file_template: templates/movie_db_tv_episode.j2
tv: "{{ tv }}"
tv_season: "{{ tv_season }}"
tv_episode: "{{ tv_episode }}"
The template defined in the templates/movie_db_tv_episode.j2
{% if tv is defined %}
{% if episode is defined %}
Episode {{ query["episode"] }} of season {{ query["season"] }} of {{ query["tv"] }} : {{ episode["name"] }}.
Overview: {{ episode["overview"] }}
{% else %}
Episode {{ query["episode"] }} of season {{ query["season"] }} of {{ query["tv"] }} not found
{% endif %}
{% else %}
TV Show {{ query["tv"] }} not found
{% endif %}
In order to be able to query The Movie Db API, you need to get a api Key.
See Getting Started for more information.