Wolfram SQL like operators
Wolfram SQL like operators
New to Wolfram language I’m very impressed by its expressive power .
However coming from a database background I found sometimes counterintuitive to manipulate data using Datasets.
In my journey of learning Wolfram language I’m trying to implement SQL like operators in order to explore data structures
with the simplicity of SQL Language .
A small query example using stocks data imported from FinancialData package:
sampledataSQL is a 2 dimensional list with 3 columns { symbol, time , close}
whereSQL[sampledataSQL , (! MissingQ[close]) ] //
groupBySQL[# , {time} ]&//
summarySQL [# , Association["maxclose" :> (close//Max) ,
"minclose" :> (close//Min) ,
"count" :> (table//Length) ]
orderBySQL[#, {maxclose}]&//