Apertium linguistic data for Danish
This is an Apertium monolingual language package for Danish. What
you can use this language package for:
You will need the following software installed:
If this does not make any sense, we recommend you look at: apertium.org.
Given the requirements being installed, you should be able to just run:
$ autoreconf -fvi
$ ./configure
$ make
You can use ./autogen.sh
instead of autoreconf
and ./configure
if you’re compiling
from source.
If you’re doing development, you don’t have to install the data, you
can use it directly from this directory.
If you are installing this language package as a prerequisite for an
Apertium translation pair, then do (typically as root / with sudo):
# make install
You can use a --prefix
with ./configure
to install as a non-root user,
but make sure to use the same prefix when installing the translation
pair and any other language packages.
If any of this doesn’t make sense or doesn’t work, see https://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Install_language_data_by_compiling
If you are in the source directory after running make, the following
commands should work:
$ echo "Mit luftpudefartøj er fyldt med ål" | apertium -d . dan-morph
^Mit/min<det><pos><nt><sg>/min<prn><pos><nt><sg>$ ^luftpudefartøj/luft<n><ut><sg><ind><cmp>+pude<n><ut><sg><ind><cmp>+fartøj<n><nt><sg><ind>$ ^er/være<vbser><pres><actv>$ ^fyldt/fylde<vblex><pp>/fylde<adj><pp><ut><sg><ind>/fylde<adj><pp><nt><sg><ind>$ ^med/med<adv>/med<pr>$ ^ål/åle<vblex><imp>/ål<n><ut><sg><ind>/ål<n><ut><sg><ind>$^./.<sent>$
$ echo "Mit luftpudefartøj er fyldt med ål" | apertium -d . dan-disam
^Mit/Min<det><pos><nt><sg>$ ^luftpudefartøj/luft<n><ut><sg><ind><cmp>+pude<n><ut><sg><ind><cmp>+fartøj<n><nt><sg><ind>$ ^er/være<vbser><pres><actv>$ ^fyldt/fylde<vblex><pp>$ ^med/med<pr>$ ^ål/ål<n><ut><sg><ind>$^./.<sent>$
- Monolingual dictionarydan.prob
- Tagger modelapertium-dan.dan.rlx
- Constraint Grammar disambiguation rulesapertium-dan.post-dan.dix
- Post-generatorapertium-dan.dan.udx
- Mappings from Apertium tags to Universal Dependencies featuresmodes.xml
- Translation modesIf you need help using this language pair or data, you can contact:
on irc.oftc.net (irc://irc.oftc.net/#apertium)See also the file AUTHORS
, included in this distribution.