项目作者: utrc

项目描述 :
IML (Intermediate Modeling Language) is a formal, expressive, and flexible language that designed to close the gap between design domain and formal verification tools.
高级语言: Xtend
项目地址: git://github.com/utrc/iml.git
创建时间: 2019-06-28T21:45:37Z




Hybrid Efficient Reasoning Methods For Explainable and Scalable Formal Methods - IML SDK

Build Instructions

  1. Under releng/com.utc.utrc.hermes.iml.parent directory run mvn clean install. This will take time first time as it will download a lot of dependancies. If you got errors regarding test cases failing, you can run mvn –DskipTests clean install to skip them.
  2. Under releng/com.utc.utrc.hermes.iml.product/target/products/com.utc.utrc.hermes.iml.rcp.product folder, you will find different eclipse products with IML plugins already installed.
  3. Open the instance according to your operating system.
  4. Inside eclipse create a new IML project from (File > New > Project > IML > IML Project)
  5. You can now start writing your IML code!

Using your own eclipse

If you want to use IML inside your own Eclipse instance, you can follow the following steps:

  1. Build IML packages using step #1 in the previous section.
  2. Inside your own eclipse instance, you can install our IML plugins from Help > Install New Software
  3. Click Add.. then Local… and choose the following directory releng/com.utc.utrc.hermes.iml.repository/target/repository
  4. You should see IML feature, select it and continue the installation.
  5. Now you can create projects to develop IML code as before or you can create eclipse plugins that depends on IML plugins

Development with IML

To modify or contribute to IML:

  • You need Eclipse for Java and DSL Developers (find it here).
  • Change Eclipse workspace encoding to UTF-8: From Window > Preferences > General > Workspace: Select Text file encoding as Other>UTF-8
  • Import all IML plugins inside that eclipse instance.