small custom language compiler (compiles to JVM - bytecode)
small custom language compiler (uses JVM)
SkoLang is a small functional language.
It compiles your program from a .sko file first to a string with jasmin
assembler code and then to a .class java class file of the same name,
plus another class file for each type specified in the code.
currently in a very early stage.
int appendInts (int a, int b) {
string first = toString(a);
string second = toString(b);
string result = append(first,second);
return toInt(result);
out(appendInts(int: math.sqrt(16), 4));
int[] intArray = new int[5];
int i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
intArray[i] = i;
i = i+1;
type Integer {
int number;
Integer four = new Integer(4);
returns “4444”.