项目作者: zyx954
项目描述 :
This is a project inject tweets into Mysql & extract tweets features
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/zyx954/ModelingTweets.git
Project Name
A software system to Modelling spam tweets
setup working environment
pip install -r stable-req.txt
Project functions
Data collection
Collect tweets by ID via twitter API.
Export collected tweets into files
- Enter personal Twitter keys in DatacollectionScript.py
- Customize “fileNames” in “DatacollectionScript.py” by choosing different name of Tweets ID files from SplitAs90000 folder
- Corresponding data files will be generated based on Tweets ID file. Such as “xaaData.pkl”,”xabData.pkl” and “ xacData.pkl”
Data injection to Mysql
- Read tweets data from tweets data file, such as “xaaData.pkl”, by running MainEntry.py
- Build SQL statements
- Insert Tweets information (InsertTweetsStatement.py)
- Insert or update user information (InsertUserStatement.py and UpdateUserStatement.py)
- Execute statement and store tweets into MySQL (InjectTweet2Mysql.py)
- Required Database Scheme and Code
- Customize two variables in dataInjectionFromPickle2DB Folder
- Change database setting at file Connect2Db.py
- Customize variable “c” for different collected tweets files at MainEntry.py
There are three interfaces:
- Interface_GenerateFeature:
- Generate features from chosen database to individual text file
- Read specified feature file and demonstrate features
- Interface_Training.py:
- Partition data into two parts training and testing
- Training model and test by SVM or DT
- Export confusion matrix result and predicted result into files
- Interface_Training_NFolder.py:
- Partition data by N-folder.
- Training model and test by SVM or DT
- Export confusion matrix result into files
1. Interface_GenerateFeature:

- GetFeature Button will call a function to generate feature in generateFeature Folders
- The features will store into a text file called “tweetsFeatureData.pkl”
- Move “tweetsFeatureData.pkl” file into GUI_temp Folders
- Choose this “tweetsFeatureData.pkl” file at “Interface_GenerateFeature” GUI
- Then, 10 tweets ID will be available in a dropdown list.
- The feature information will be demonstrated after choosing a tweet ID.
2. Interface_Training.py:

- Data partitioning
- Choose a tweet feature file like “tweetsFeatureData.pkl” in drop down list
- Set Training data and test data ratio.
- Click the button on “Partitioning DataSet”
- Partition result will be distributed into three files
- data_pickle.pkl: training data and testing data
- target_pickle.pkl: training target and testing target
- IDs_pickle.pkl: training ID and testing ID
- Model Training
- Choose parameters on DT or SVM
- Choose a file path for confusion matrix result
- Choose a file path for predicted result
- Click button on DT or SVM
- The confusion matrix result will be demonstrated in both GUI and exported to the specified file path
- The Predicted result will be export the specified file path

3. Interface_Training_NFolder.py:

- Model Training
- Choose a tweet feature file like “tweetsFeatureData.pkl” in drop down list
- Set numbers of folder
- Choose parameters on DT or SVM
- Choose a file path for predicted result
- Click button on DT or SVM
- The Predicted result will be export the specified file