项目作者: RWS
项目描述 :
SDL Web E-Commerce Framework
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/RWS/ecommerce-framework.git
Tridion Sites E-Commerce Framework v1.2
This is a framework to enable E-Commerce functionality for Tridion Sites.
It contains ECL providers and DXA modules for various E-Commerce systems.
The framework provides connectors for:
The framework has been verified on Tridion Sites 9.1/9.5 and DXA.Net 2.2 and DXA.Java 1.7.
New functionality in the v1.2 version:
- Improved support for product variants
- Pluggable variant builders for the Fredhopper connector
- REST based service (as alternative to the OData service)
- Experimental support for Graph-QL
- Support for DXA caching of E-Commerce data using MemCache, REDIS etc
- Demandware ECL connector now supports search
- Processing of category and product links in RTF fields
- Support for querying several categories (OR)
This project is not further developed.
However there are more feature-rich integrations with E-Commerce systems like SAP Commerce Cloud and Adobe Magento available (based on the Tridion Integration Framework). Please reach out to RWS for more info.
The E-Commerce framework consists of:
- Generic E-Commerce APIs for product categories, product queries, product details, product variants, cart and in-context edit controls
- Generic DXA module for Java & .NET consuming above E-Commerce APIs
- DXA module with example views using the white label design
- Generic navigation DXA module for hybrid navigation support (right now only provides mega navigation)
- A number of connectors implementing the E-Commerce APIs (Fredhopper, Hybris, Demandware)
- OData based micro service for the E-Commerce APIs using the same setup as the standard SDL Web micro services
- Generic E-Commerce framework for ECL providers
- A number of ECL providers for retrieving categories and products (Hybris, Demandware)
- OData based micro service
Currently there are the following connectors implementing fully or partly the E-Commerce APIs:
- Fredhopper (Categories, Search, Product Detail, Product Variants, Edit controls)
- Hybris (Categories, Search, Product Detail, Cart)
- Demandware (Categories, Search, Product Detail, Product Variants, Cart)
- Dummy for test & demo purposes (Cart)
The intention with the connectors is that you could mix&match what kind of combo you want, such as use Fredhopper for Categories&Search and Hybris for Detail&Cart.
As the the service interfaces are designed to be decoupled from eachother it is straight-forward to setup these kind of combinations.
The Fredhopper connector also provides some extensive support for inline editing (create new, edit and delete) of:
- Facets
- Promotions
- Modifications
- Rankings
- Redirects
- Synonyms
The generic DXA module that consume the E-Commerce APIs. It contains right now the following:
- E-Com driven navigation items (in mega navigation). Can be mixed with content driven navigation items.
- Widgets for:
- Product Listers for presenting products in category and search result pages
- Facets
- Breadcrumbs
- Promotions
- Product details
- Mega navigation (facets + promotions)
- Search box (in the header)
- Search spelling feedback
- Cart (minimised in the header + detail)
- Page controllers for category and detail pages for SEO friendly pages
- No 1:1 mapping is required between a lister/detail page and a Tridion page. Tridion instead manage a set of template pages which are used for the different category/detail pages
- The experience of those template pages can be overridden. The controllers uses a search pattern to find the best match template page for a certain category/detail pages
- Some widgets can be placed outside the control of the category/detail controllers such as facets, promotions and listers. The actual category & view type can be configured on widget level through either category paths or ECL links. This allows easy creating of campaign/landing pages etc.
- Localization support, i.e. the different language, currency and catalog mappings per publication
In addition there is a DXA module with a set of HTML views (in JSP or Razor) implementing the default E-Commerce templates. The views are based on the DXA White Label HTML design.
The ECL providers allows easy access to categories and products which makes it easy to associate references in for example the different E-Commerce widgets (listers, facets etc).
In addition the ECL provider gives the possibility to drag & drop categories & products directly on pages as well. This allows the possibility to do both E-Commerce 1:1 (i.e. one Tridion page per category/product) and rule based (through the controllers).
The framework requires DXA 1.7 which includes support for SDL Web 8/8.5.
The connectors to the E-Commerce systems has been verified against the following:
- SDL Fredhopper 7.5.x & 8.1.x
- Demandware OCAPI 16.8
- Hybris (Omni Commerce Connect) OCC v1 on hybris Commerce Suite 5.x
Getting started (Java)
For Java you can either have the connectors co-located or use the OData micro service. There is an example webapp for the white label design available to be able to get started quickly.
To setup the example webapp you need to do the following:
- Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/sdl/ecommerce-framework
- Configure the dxa.properties (under ecommerce-framework-example-webapp/src/main/resources) for selected connector. Following instructions given in respective README for each connector to set it up:
Compile the code and package a WAR file by doing the following in the root of the project:
mvn package -Pexample-webapp -P[connector #1] -P[connector #2] ...
- If using REST micro service + Fredhopper connector, use the following:
mvn package -Prest -Pfredhopper
- Example: Compiles the webapp with the Fredhopper connector:
mvn package -Pexample-webapp -Pfredhopper
Deploy the generated WAR to your JEE application server/servlet container. Make sure the webapp runs as the root webapp.
- Setup CMS as described below
Getting Started (.NET)
The .NET version of the E-Commerce DXA modules requires the OData micro service. Follow the below steps to setup the modules:
- If you do not have a DXA.NET setup (for SDL Web 8) you can easily do this by following the instructions given here: Installing the web application (.NET)
- Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/sdl/ecommerce-framework
- Either open up the solution dxa.net/SDL.ECommerce.sln or add the VS projects under dxa.net to your Visual Studio solution
- Set the environment variable %DXA_SITE_DIR% to point to your DXA Site path (in visual studio or in your IIS instance)
- Restart Visual studio and rebuild the solution. Verify so E-Commerce Areas and DLLs are copied to your site folder
Configure E-Commerce micro service in Web.config of your site:
!-- E-Commerce Framework -->
<add key="ecommerce-service-uri" value="http://localhost:8097/ecommerce.svc"></add>
Setup CMS as described below
An overview of the different .NET projects are given here: E-Commerce DXA.NET
Getting Started with the OData micro service
Follow the below steps to setup the the OData micro service (which can be run on Windows and Linux/Unix systems):
- Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/sdl/ecommerce-framework
- Compile and package the OData micro service by doing the following in the project root:
- mvn clean package -P[selected connector, e.g. ‘fredhopper’, ‘hybris’, or ‘demandware’]
- Unzip the generated ‘ecommerce-framework-odata-service-1.1.0-install.zip’ file in an appropiate directory on your target environment
- Configure the connector and locale settings in the config/application.yml file. Some examples are given in the file. For more information about the connector settings, please refer to:
- The service can be started by using the bin/start.sh or bin/start.ps1 scripts. If using Windows you can install the micro service as a Windows service by running the ‘installService.ps1’ script.
- Verify that the service up & running by typing the following in your browser: http://[server name]:8097/ecommerce.svc/Categories. It should list all top level categories in the current E-Commerce system.
Getting Started (CMS)
- If you have not installed DXA in SDL Web CMS, you can follow the instructions given here: Importing the DXA Publications into Content Manager
- Install the CMS packages by following instructions given in: Install CMS packages
- Publish out the settings page, HTML design + the header include page.
- Publish out pages under ‘Categories’ and ‘Products’. And the ‘Cart’ and ‘Search Results’ pages.
- If needed adjust the localization properties for the selected connector (under Building Blocks/Settings/E-Commerce/Site Manager)
- This is only needed when running the connector co-located in the DXA webapp (DXA.Java only)
- Start up your DXA web application and verify that the E-Commerce main categories are visible in the mega navigation
- In addition (optional) you can also install one of the ECL providers. See instructions given in:
Future enhancements
Below are some enhancements to be consider in future versions:
- Support for checkouts
- Improved category experience such as sorting, slider facets etc
- Improved cart model with support for promo codes etc
- Hybrid search (content/E-Commerce)
- Search suggest
- OAuth authentication on the E-Commerce micro service
- Generic ECL provider using the OData micro service (to minimize the integration points)
- Available as NuGet packages/Maven central artifacts
Branching model
We intend to follow Gitflow (http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/) with the following main branches:
- master - Stable
- develop - Unstable
- release/x.y - Release version x.y
Please submit your pull requests on develop. In the near future we intend to push our changes to develop and master from our internal repositories, so you can follow our development process.
Copyright (c) 2022 RWS Group.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.